Chapter 4: Who are you?

Start from the beginning

Sebastian nodded vigorously, trembling like a child.

Genevieve nodded. "Good," she responded, then spun around and stalked back over to us. She took her place next to me. Everyone was staring at my sister, looking frozen.

Artemis had her eyebrows raised, but then she grinned at Genevieve, turned around and announced to everyone, "I like her. "

Hermes shook his head. "Of course you do," he said rolling his eyes.

I cleared my throat. "Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way, how about we tell you who we are?" This shook everyone out of their trance, and they listened to us with open ears.

"So, some of you believe that we're monsters, or something like that." I began, giving Sebastian a pointed look. "We are all actually demigods like you. We are the betrayed, the dead, or the unwanted. You actually know some of us. And that's why we wear our hoods. To keep our identities a secret."

"The dead?" Piper questioned. "So all of you have died? And then Chaos brought you back to life?"

Genevieve shook her head. "No, not all of us. My brother and I didn't die." She replied, motioning to me. "We were betrayed. By you people actually. So if we don't seem that welcoming, you know why. But yes, other than us, everyone here has died." She finished.

"Oh," Hera said, "that's your relationship." When everyone stared at her confused, she explained. "I am the goddess of family you know. I could sense that you two had a super close bond, but I wasn't sure what type it was. I'm actually pretty surprised. I don't think I've ever seen such a close bond. But I can normally sense siblings due to their shared blood, but I can't seem to detect yours." Hera finished, cocking her head at us.

"We're half-siblings. We share the same godly parent. But we consider ourselves full siblings." I told Hera. She nodded satisfied.

"But wait, why do you wear your hoods? If you died, shouldn't you want to reveal yourselves, if we did know you?" Will questioned.

Luke answered, "Some of us died on bad terms, and aren't entirely sure we're forgiven."

"What do you mean by bad terms?" said Hades.

"Traitors. We fought on the wrong side." Silena responded.

"Those were the first we forgave. After the loss of Percy and Genevieve, we realized our mistakes, and tried to atone to them as best we could." Zeus informed us kindly. Geez, they really have changed.

"Okay then," I told everyone. "We will introduce ourselves one by one. I will start, even though you already know who I am, but I'll just say it again. I am Omega."

"I am Alpha." Genevieve said.

"My name is Iroas." Luke stated.

"I'm Angel." Bianca said.

"I am Huntress," Zoe said, her accent noticeable.

"My name's Archer." Lee told them.

"My name's Gemini." said Castor

"Well, I'm Beauty." Silena stated.

"I'm Forge." Beckendorf told them.

"And I'm Blaze." Marina finished.

"So," I began, "now that you know our names, let get down to business shall we?"

----Fredrick, transition to the Author's note. What? No I didn't say go to Arthur's moat, I said Author's note! Geez.----

Hello my wonderful readers! Thanks for reading! As you can see, I hired a new assistant named Fredrick. But he's an idiot. I should fire him.

Anyways, MAN THAT'S A LONG CHAPTER! I'm so sorry for not updating, but I've had school. I hope you guys understand.


So, the question!

@MusicBeachLove asked: which would you prefer as a gift? A TARDIS, or being the daughter of a Greek/Roman god?

Let me just say, that is probably one of the hardest questions ever. But I guess I have to say, daughter of Greek/Roman god. Because I've known Percy Jackson longer, I guess I'll stay loyal to it.

So remember, Comment, vote, and ask me questions! I love you guys! And if you ever need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to message me.

And remember:

Stay peachy!


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