When you first start dating

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- Protective
- Always trying to get off of work
- Constantly showing up at your doorstep with flowers and chocolates
- Small movie theatre dates
- He picks you up in his truck
- That's where y'all first kissed
- And first fucked
- Inviting you over for dinner with Sodapop and Ponyboy
- Opening up to you about his parents death
- You give him back massages whenever you can
- Just laying in his bed on days he's off doing nothing

- Constantly flirting with you
- Using cheesy pickup lines even though you guys are already together
- Giving you his flannels
- Trying to get you to sleepover
- Stopping by the DX during his shifts
- Making out in front of Steve
- He lets you wear his DX shirt and hat cause he thinks you look cute
- Constantly praising you and giving you sweet compliments
- Gets you a coke every time he works
- Begs to borrow Darry's truck so he can pick you up
- He gives you fashion advice and always listens to whatever you have to say

- He always walks you to school and home
- Holds your books or you hand and walks you to class
- Goes to you when he wants to practice or time his runs
- Y'all watch the sunset from the lot or his front porch together
- He taught you to smoke
- Going to movies together
- Innocent cuddling
- Getting embarrassed when the gang picks on you guys for dating
- Having playful races and tickling matches
- Reading books out loud to each other
- You're there for him when he gets upset about Darry yelling at him and he needs to vent

- Constantly joking around and trying to scare you
- Whispers dirty jokes into your ear to see you flustered
- He steals stuff quite frequently for you but when you're with him he's always buying you stuff
- He tried to teach you how to use his blade
- Having competitions to see who's the better jokester
- He lets you wear his leather jacket
- He cuts down on his drinking so he can be sober when he's around you
- Wants you to meet his mom and sister right away. They love you
- He drags you along to all the parties he goes to
- One time you guys got drunk together
- He had to take care of you when you had a killer hangover. He was a good nurse

- He's constantly trying to impress you
- Likes when you come by the DX
- Flexes and works on cars like a pro
- Probably wipes grease on himself so he looks manly
- Always his his arm around you or kisses your neck Rome cheek
- Hates when he sees you talking to ponyboy or literally any boy
- Gets you to bake him chocolate cakes
- You guys make out in his car
- You patch him up after rumbles and he acts like he hates it but he low-key loves it
- Makes you sit on his lap
- Wolf whistles at you when you walk by the DX with your friends

- He's always so nervous around you
- Always asking for consent, even when he does the most vanilla things
- Let's you wear his jacket but not keep it cause it's the only one he has
- He's the little spoon most of the time cause he's a sad boy
- He comes to your window at night sometimes when he's lonely or sad after his folks beat him
- Soft touches and kisses
- He knows you like his smoke rings so he always does them to impress you
- He ever tried to teach you how to do them
- Sometimes you play cards together
- Late nights in the lot watching the stars or making out
- He holds your hand around the gang and always keeps you close cause he's clingy

- He's extremely confident
- Always calling you "man" "babe" "doll" "babygirl" "broad"
- He skips parties to hang out with you
- He shows up in the middle of the night at your house to drag you out
- Y'all had sex in Bucks T-Bird and Bucks bar
- He gives you his brown jacket
- Always has his arm around you or has you near him
- Threatens literally every guy that looks at you even if it's someone from the gang
- He likes to give you hickeys and make you flustered in public
- His hand on your thigh whenever you sit next to him
- He gave you his Saint Christopher and he loves to see you wearing it

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