"Is that so?? Ok, I'm accepting this." He said to her.

"Are you ok??" Khushi asked him again.

"I'm totally fine Khushi. Will be out within two days. Don't worry." He replied to her.

"Your eyes are leaking." He said trying to lit up the atmosphere. Khushi smiled and wiped her tears.

"I'm totally fine, so don't cry for me." He told her. Her tears affected him. Seeing her shedding tears for him gives a sense of belongingness to him. He looked at the innocent girl sitting infront of him.

"You should go to your home Khushi." Arnav told her not wanting to see her getting teary.

"Take care Arnav." Khushi told him and he nodded his head.

"Let me drop you down then." He said getting up from the bed.

"No...I can go myself. You take rest. Please don't make me feel guilty by accompanying me." Khushi told him and walked out of the room. Arnav looked at the retreating figure and then at the kit full of fruits.

Shyam and Akash were coming back to the room. They saw Khushi trying to walk down the steps.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Akash asked seeing Khushi in the first floor.

"Hmm...I came here to..."

"Akash, can't you see that it's the orthopaedic section. She must be here for her leg. Let's don't waste our time here." Saying this Shyam pushed Akash away from Khushi, walking towards his room. She ignored them and kept walking.

Shyam and Akash entered the room cursing the hospital management.

"Why are you whining Shyam?" Arnav asked seeing both of them in bad mood.

"Can't they fix the lift within a few minutes. It's been two hours they have been working on it. We had to take all those steps to reach here ASR." Shyam told him as he laid down the packet there.

"What?? The lift is not working?" Arnav asked in horror.

"Yup...you know..."

"You guys stay here, I will be back soon. I have to go out for some urgent works." Arnav didn't let Akash to complete the sentence.

"ASR... What about..." Shyam started to talk and got interrupted by Arnav.

"You guys carry out the party, I will be back soon." Saying this he pulled out the fake plaster and ran outside. He took the step, swiftly moving down and saw Khushi on the second floor. He saw her struggling to take step and rushed near to her.

"Stop, don't move." Arnav said standing behind her. Khushi turned around and saw him without the plaster on his hand.

"Arnav...you? What about your plaster?" She asked as he walked towards her.

"Why did you took the pain to come here? F**k you took all those steps."

"Ohhh...hmm...it's ok...I can..." Khushi couldn't complete her sentence as he lifted her and stepped down.

"What's are you doing? It's a hospital Arnav, put me down." Khushi asked him and he didn't paid any attention to her. He made her sit on a wheelchair and took her down in it.

"Arnav, what is this? I can walk." Khushi tried to tell him which he ignored and wheeled her down.

On reaching down, Arnav called a cab while she get up from the wheelchair.

"I want to talk to you. Get into the cab Khushi." He asked opening the door for her.

"You should..."

Silver Lining (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now