Family Is What You Make It

Start from the beginning

Clem: Thank you.

YN: Thanks, Lee.

Lee smiled at us before walking over to Carley, the gun girl.

YN's pov

I was about to open the chocolate bar before noticing Duck, sitting on a high chair while looking down at the floor with a sad expression on his face. I frowned at the sight before getting off the counter and walking towards Kenny, Katjaa and Duck, I took my chocolate bar and held it out for Duck.

YN: Here, you can have it. I'm not hungry.

Duck looked up at me and smiled before taking the chocolate bar.

Duck: Thank you.

Kenny: Aw thanks, YN. He appreciates it.

Katjaa: That's sweet, YN.

I smiled at them before turning around and walk back to Clem, she smiled before looking down at her chocolate bar then back at me.

Clem: Do you wanna share it with me?

YN: Okay.

Clem smiled at before breaking the chocolate into two and hands me one piece, we eat them before watching Lee walk into the office. Clem looks back at me and asks me.

Clem: You wanna follow him?

YN: Sure.

We got off the counter and walked over towards the office. Lee and Clem go inside the office and just and I was about to follow them, something on one of the shelves captures my eyes. I walked over and picked it up, I looked at the label and noticed it said "gun bullets."

YN: (in head) Yes, finally.

I pull out my revolver and open the chamber, I then take the bullets out of the box and place them in the chamber one at the time. While I was doing this, I heard Lilly say something to me.

Lilly: You have a gun?

I looked up at her and replied.

YN: Ye-- Yes.

Lilly: Do you even know how to use that?

YN: I um...

Just then, Carley walked up to us.

Carley: Leave him alone, Lilly.

Lilly looked at Carley and huffed.

Lilly: Hmm, fine.

Lilly turned back to Larry as Carley looked down at me.

Carley: Don't mind her, she's just an asshole.

I giggle at that before she continues talking.

Carley: Listen, I saw you out there when you tried to shoot that thing as it was trying to bite that other boy. Clearly, you know how to use it. And for that, I have something for you.

Carley then walked over to her purse and took out a pistol clip, she took the bullets out before placing them in a small, plastic bag and hands it to me.

Carley: I know it's not much but, considering it a gift.

I looked at the bag before looking back at Carley.

YN: Thanks, Carley.

She smiled at me before walking away, I placed the bag in my pocket before turning around and heading to the office.


I headed in the office and noticed a sleeping bag in the middle of the room, with blood in it? The rest of the room looked bordered up due to the pharmacy door blocked by a table and the other doors with wood on them. I looked at Clem and smiled at her, which she returned to smile, before noticing Lee holding a picture of him and his family in his hands, he smiles at it before ripping it in half.

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