Part 1..CH 1

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Typing away at your desk, you suddenly hear footsteps behind you...Jungkook tosses a paper towards you...

"You better come, I haven't been to one with you in years!" He looks at you with a threatening tone.

"Kook, didn't we stop going to parties in high school?" You laugh at him jokingly.

"Just be there, I have a friend coming that wants to meet you..." He smiles large and backs away slowly.

"Damnit Jungkook! I told you I'm not ready for all that dating shit right now, it was a nasty breakup, I just need some time!" You scowl at him and toss the paper down on your desk.

"Ok, I get it, he just a photo of you and he said he were really pretty and he is a really nice guy. I'm not telling you to date and get married and have 6 kids and live together forever, I'm just saying to come, have fun, say hi, dance, have a drink and enjoy yourself for a change. He rubs your shoulders gently.

"Alright, alright..I'll go. I'll be there around 7:30." You shot him a crooked smile.

You and Jungkook went to high school together and when he decided to try out for bighit, and was accepted, he got you a job in the bookkeeping department. You just hit it off from day 1 and had been best friends ever since, to be honest you thought he might even be gay, although you had seen him with girls, it never seemed like he was comfortable with any of it.

You had some friends in common but only through school, so you knew it had to be someone knew that you hadn't met before. The breakup was a bad one, fueled with rage and abuse of several types, honestly you were lucky to escape alive. He was in jail now, a good place for him and all you wanted to do was get your life in order and figure out your identity and what you wanted. A boyfriend was the farthest thing on your mind, and Jungkook knew this, so whoever he was, he must be pretty special for Kook to push the issue.

You finished your day successfully and couldn't wait to start your weekend, even if it included meeting this new friend at a party you really didn't feel like going to. You adored Jungkook, it was easy to tell yourself over and over that it was for him. When you got to your apartment, Kook had already been through and laid some clothes out on your bed with a little note that read:

                                                          I hope you like my suggestions.

                                                              You'll look great, I know it!

                                                                         See you tonight


Smirking as you look at the small black dress, thigh high stockings, and leather boots to match the length. I might as well humor him, he will just get pouty and pissy if I show up in something else, you think. Sighing loudly, you grab the dress and a lacy set of black panties and matching bra and head towards the shower.

The music was good but loud. Still no sign of Jungkook or this "friend" you needed to meet, it had been about an hour and you were thinking about going home and giving up. Suddenly you were jolted by the feeling of legs next to yours, looking over you see what you're sure must be an angel smiling at you.

"I'm Jimin, what's your name?" His voice even sounds angelic.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." You return the smile warmly.

"Well Y/N, it's nice to meet you. Did you come here alone?" He smirks at you.

"Yes but I am supposed to meet my friend here, this is his party but I can't seem to find him anywhere." You say, thinking to yourself that you can not become tied up with this guy. He is gorgeous and gorgeous guys always come with problems.

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