She coughed.

Meanwhile, Black Fire had just finished watching the last carriage containing all of the captured Pegasi residents disappear in the dark storm clouds before hearing one of his stallions call out.


Shit, Black Fire thought bitterly when he spotted the golden specks coming closer. He snarled and raised his halberds high. "Obsidian Guard!" he roared, "DESTROY THEM!"Armored crystal Pegasi raised their weapons and took off from the remaining buildings that still stood. All charging towards the Canterlot Royal Guards with a look of murder on their faces.

"Brace yourselves!" Wind Runner screamed.

"Dash! Stay beside me!" Star Knight roared. Rainbow Dash nodded and held onto his arm tightly just as both sides collided. Rainbow Dash felt her world spin out of control as the sound of colliding metal and war screams filled her ears. She felt something warm and wet suddenly sprinkle a bit on her cheek. She looked up and noticed that Star Knight had stabbed an Obsidian Guard through his throat. The Crystal Pony gagged and gasped before plummeting downward. Disappearing into the black abyss below.

Rainbow Dash held onto her friend. Closing her eyes tightly and desperately tried to block out the noise around her. Weapons clashed and thunder roared above them as lightning bathed all of them in its white light. She thought she heard Star Knight yell something to her, but she didn't hear it. She then felt something warm hit her head and she snapped her eyes open. When she look up she felt something warm and wet suddenly hit her left eye and she released her grip on Star Knight.

"Dash!" Star Knight gasped.

Rainbow Dash screamed when she released that the substance that struck her eye was blood. The pegasus desperately attempted to rub the blood out. Her vision to her left was slightly blurred and a tinge red. She started to go a bit dizzy and was just about to loose altitude when she saw a blurry figure suddenly grab her and hold her in mid-air.

"Dash! It's okay! I'm here!" Star Knight yelled over the thunder and cries.

Rainbow Dash looked up at the stallion in a daze before her eyes widened when she saw the black blur of an Obsidian Guard coming down from behind. Sword outstretched and ready to kill. "LOOK OUT!" she screamed. Star Knight looked over his shoulder and moved just as the other pegasus came down. He screamed when he felt the blade suddenly hit his wing. Rainbow Dash watched in sheer horror as her vision cleared just as Star Knight's wing was detached from his body. It wasn't a very clean process and blood splattered a bit on both of them.

Rainbow Dash reached forward and grabbed the wing before grabbing Star Knight, who was now struggling to stay in the air. "Star!" she grunted as she struggled to hold onto the stallion. "Don't let go! I'm going to have to take you to Cloudsdale!"

"H-Hurry." Star Knight croaked as he felt himself start to lose consciousness.

Rainbow Dash suddenly felt a bit unsure of herself when she looked over to the ruined city. Mustering all of the courage she had left, she made a nose dive towards the city. Clinging onto both Star Knight and his severed wing. The armor that covered Star Knight added a little extra weight; which allowed them to dive a bit faster. Star Knight looked over his shoulder weakly and spotted three Obsidian Guards suddenly dive after them.

"I-Incoming." he said.

Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder quickly before turning her attention back to the city. She pumped her wings forward as soon as they reached the right height and quickly flew into the city. Dodging falling debris and burning buildings faster than she's ever done before. Even faster then she did on the day she received her cutie mark. She made a left and went down a narrow alley. Enough to only fit two flying Pegasi at a time. She hears the guards curse loudly behind her and she couldn't but chuckle a bit in relief. She spotted a stable looking building ahead, away from the battle and fire, and took Star Knight there.

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