"Is this a draconequus statute?" Star Knight asked in awe as he approached the statute a bit. His mouth agape in wonder.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash frowned at the statute when she stood beside the stallion.

"Look at how detailed it is! This is truly a work of art!" Star Knight placed his hoof on the statute and admired the smooth stone. "It looks like it could be real, too!"

Rainbow Dash bit her lips nervously. She left out the story of when she and her friends had first went up against Discord, and how it almost became their downfall. Now he was trapped in his stone prison where he belongs. She actually wondered if the draconequus could hear them right now? Would he have even cared if he found out Twilight was dead? Likely not. He is the God of Chaos after all.

Star Knight gave Rainbow Dash an excited grin. "This is amazing! My friends aren't going to believe this! I've read all about draconequus, but this the first time I've seen what they look like! This may be a statue, but holy cow!"

If only you knew what this draconequus is capable of..., Rainbow Dash knew she could tell him. But there wouldn't be a point since they wouldn't have to worry about him for a very long time. Rainbow Dash stared into the stone-frozen, horrified eyes of Discord. Glaring at them with nothing but contempt. Well I hope you're happy, Discord. If you can hear my thoughts, I just outta let you know that Twilight Sparkle is dead. That's right. Dead. D-E-A-D. All because of that fucking King Sombra. You heard of him? Probably not. But it's thanks to him that one of my best friends is dead. So go ahead and rejoice. Oh, that's right, you can't. Because you're a fucking statue. Rainbow Dash isn't always cruel to others. But Discord was an acception for today.

"Are you alright, Dash? You're awfully quiet."

"Hm? Oh. I was just thinking about something. That's all." Rainbow Dash gave him a wink.

A loud bell was suddenly heard echoing throughout all of Canterlot. Rainbow Dash and Star Knight turned their attentions over to a bell in Canterlot Castle and witnessed it ringing back and forth. A feeling of dread swept over the two with each "ring" they heard. The only time that bell was used is for a wedding or emergency...

"Something's not right." Rainbow Dash said gravely, "Princess Celestia never has that bell ring. There's no wedding today."

"It might be an emergency." Star Knight suggested. "Let's go check it out."

Both Pegasi spread their wings and took flight. Leaving the terrified statute of Discord behind.

Rainbow Dash and Star Knight landed a few feet from the castle doors when they spotted a crowd of ponies gathered around the steps. The two of them pushed their way through until they came upon the scene. Rainbow Dash stumbled back in horror when she recognized the griffon on the floor. Lieing motionless on a puddle of drying blood with a wide, horrified look in their eyes. Beak slightly agape and a large, open wound on their chest. Revealing broken ribs and a punctured heart. The wings on their back were crooked and bent while their head was twisted in an odd angle.

It was enough to cause the normally tough pegasus to slap her hoof over her mouth and cringe at the site.


Star Knight looked at the dead griffon and then at Rainbow Dash with a quizzical look. "You knew this griffon?" he asked.

Rainbow Dash swallowed. "Y-yeah. She's an old ex-friend of mine from Junior Speedsters flight camp." she then turned to the nearest guard and asked, "How did she get here?"

"She just...suddenly fell from the sky." the guard managed to say before swallowing down his lunch. Not use to seeing such gore.

"How could this happen?" Rainbow Dash whispered to herself. Staring into the dead eyes of her former friend before looking away in disgust. Gilda may have been a bitch to her friends, but she wouldn't wish this upon her. She couldn't stand the revolting stench coming from the body and walked away. Coughing when she accidentally inhaled it.

"Are you alright?" Star Knight asked worriedly.

"Yeah..." Rainbow Dash coughed a bit. Feeling herself close to vomiting. But she managed to keep her lunch down.

Star Knight rubbed her back in comfort; making sure she didn't watch the guards carry Gilda's wrecked corpse away. Two Pegasi suddenly landed in front of them. Both with dire looks on their faces. "Star Knight. We've received a distress call from Cloudsdale. It's currently being attacked."

"What!?" Rainbow Dash cried. Looking at both of the guards in complete shock.

"A survivor that managed to escape informed us. Princess Celestia has ordered any available Pegasi guards in Canterlot to take arms and go to Cloudsdale immediately."

Star Knight nodded. "Right. I'll head over to the armory right now and get situated." The three pegasi guards exchanged salutes before the two took off. Star Knight looked down at his friend sadly. "Sorry, Dash. But duty calls."

"I'm coming with you." Rainbow Dash said firmly.

Star Knight bit his bottom lip nervously before shaking his head. "Sorry, Dash. But you have to be in the Canterlot Royal Guard if you want to come. Plus it isn't your job to go."

Rainbow Dash narrowed her moderate cerise eyes at the stallion and brought her face close to his. Enough to cause Star Knight to recoil back slightly and take a step away from the other pegasus as she glared at him firmly. Looking straight into his lime green eyes, she spoke said, "Listen, you. Cloudsdale is my home, and I'm not going to let some goody two-shoes Royal Guard tell me not to go! So you can either take me along, or I'll go myself!" Rainbow Dash had spoken with such ferocity that it even shocked her.

Star Knight blinked a few times before he closed his eyes and slowly bobbed his head in defeat. "Alright." he sighed. "Just...try not to get hurt."

Rainbow Dash nodded and winked at the stallion. "Don't worry! A mare like me knows how to take care of themself!"

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