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TW sexual references

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

TW sexual references

M/n/1 = Mates name #1
M/n/2 = mates name #2
F/B/S = Favourite band shirt
Y/f/n = Your full name

Your POV | 06:00 am

I wake up and glimpse at my phone. Bunches of messages all saying: "Happy birthday Y/n!". I smile and start replying to them.

A hand made it's way up to my waist and I look and see a grinning Mateo.

"Happy birthday gorgeous." He says just before he kissing me.

02:00 pm

I leaned on the bar, that overlooked the empty pool area, sipping on iced tea. Then Joyce comes down and asks me;

"Y/n, can you go and manage reception?"

"But what about the bar?" I ask her as Mateo was else where and Les was out in the old town.

"It's fine just go, go." She gushers me into the reception.

I am confused. It wasn't like the reception was busy at all. I shrug it off and check some people who were waiting at the desk.

"Welcome to the solana. Can I have your passports and your names please." I say looking up at the tourists. I freeze and started grinning.

"M/n/1!? M/n/2!? What on earth are you doing hear!?" I exclaimed as I see them standing in front of the desk.

I rush round hearing my flats click echo filling the peaceful reception. I swing my arms around them.

"We're obviously hear to spend your birthday with you!" M/n/1 explains.

"Well, we won't hog you all day. Bet Mateo will want you tonight." M/n/1 says with a smirk forming on her lips. I smack her arm.

04:00 pm

Me , m/n/1 , and m/n/2 sit on the blue sun beds catching up. I managed to get the rest of the day off, thank god.

"I will go and get us drinks. What do you want?" M/n/1 asks.

"Vodka!" M/n/1 yells as we all chuckle.

"Water love." I told m/n/1.

I'm starting to get scared and m/n/2 notices.

"What's wrong?" M/n/2 questions.

"It's just, Mateo and Les, I haven't seen them all day." I say with a quizzical look.

" will be okay. They won't of forgot it's your birthday." M/n/2 hesitating.

08:00 pm

Me, M/n/1, and m/n/2 are all walking to Neptune's. They both seem really excited. I look at them and they seem to be whispering between them. We continue you walking until we are standing outside of Neptune's. They look at me and say;

"We need you to put a blind fold on. Don't ask why, just trust us."

Before I can respond they tie the blind fold round my head. We start to walk into Neptune's and all I could hear was silence and some giggles.

I slowly took the blind fold of and to see everyone standing around a table with a beautifully decorated cake. Joyce, Les , Mateo, Liam , Kennith all yelled;


I smile widely as m/n/2 and m/n/1 hug my side. They go and run over to get a chair for me. Mateo walks over to me and kisses me softly yet passionately on my lips. I hug him and say;

"Thank you."

"You deserve it baby!" He reply's.

M/n/2 lightly pushes me down into a chair as they bring presents from everyone.

"This one is from me and Liam." Kennith says as m/n/1 picks it up and places it in my lap. I rip the wrapping paper off to reveal a crimson red, off the shoulder, short, dress.

My mouth opens slightly at the sight of it. "It's beautiful Kennith! Thank you!" I say.

"Mine next please!" Joyce exclaims. A box covered in the Louis Vuitton logos. I look at her and say;

"You shouldn't of spend this much on me.". I open the box up to reveal a glamorous hand bag with delicate detail.

"This is amazing! Thank you Joyce."

She reply's with a smile. "It's not much, but I hope you'll like it."

Les speaks up. I tear the black packaging apart and unfolded my favourite band t shirt "F/B/S! Thank you dad!" I exclaim grinning ear to ear. He smiles widely at me.

"Come on! Open the present we got you." M/n/2 shoves a small box and I open it. I smile pulling the delicate necklaceout of the box.

"This is so cute! Thanks." I say placing it around my neck.

Mateo is the only one left who hasn't given me a present. I look at him and he then whisperers to me;

"I want to give one presents in private and the other one is still being prepared." I nod grinning.

Joyce and Les are cutting the cake into slices is everyone can have one. After we finish our cake music starts to play and Mateo grabs my hand gently and leads me into the dance floor.

I follow him and he spins me around and then stops and just stares at me. I smile and say softly;

"What's wrong?"

He then reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a black velvet box.

"No this isn't happening. Omg!" I say to myself. He looks at me and says

"Y/f/n. You and I have been together for 3 years and for every second I have fallen further and further in love with you. You are the most extraordinary person i have ever met. I'm the one usually capturing people's hearts but your the only one to capture mine. So I thought maybe we can be together for life."

My eyes start to well up. He gets down on one knee. Tears started streaming down my rosy cheeks. My hands stared shaking. Mateo opens the box to revel a rose gold ring with a red ruby in the middle.

"Y/n, will you marry me?". He said the question. I'm still sobbing. I hear gasps and cheers from everyone else. "Yes".

Me and Mateo stand embracing each other in the middle as Champane bottles are being poured. I stopped crying. Mateo then grabs my hand and sneakily sneaks out for my second present.

"Hey y/n! Where are you going?" Liam calls out.

"We all know where them two are going." M/n/2 says smirking

{ Hope you like it! Credits to AmazingAmber15 }

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