Journal-The Begining

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Since this is my first day in wattpad, and after being forced to eternity by my very own little sister in the name of devil who coudn't have waited hundred more years to get born to make my life the living sewer as it already was, I had finally decided to be the pure soul I am.

So like the pure soul I have decided to be just some seconds ago, I am going to write something simple yet challenging to practise some writing here.

And for this, I need loads and loads of love and encouragement of you guys, my family and of course, my sistaah.

Tell me if you'd like to read something I will write? If yes, then please comment "Yes, love."

I an excited to see actually how many of you will be getting themselves ready to be dumped in my bottomless abyss of monotonous floating shit in the name of wriitng.

Thank you. That will be it for now.

Nobody knows the future though. *plays Titanic violin theme with my sister's hair*

Yours truly,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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