"Let's just say..." Nightmare cut in, staring at Killer. "He knows his life up here is much better than what he had down there. His brother will get over it, much like mine did."

Dream flinched at that last bit, looking away.

"So, what shall it be, Brother?" Nightmare asked, shifting a bit so he could get to his feet, Cross immediately standing by his side.

Dream clenched his hands into fists, refusing to look at any of them. "I think I've decided, I'll...I'll go to the mortal realm with Killer."

Said skeleton immediately broke out in a grin, pulling the smaller to his chest and hugging him tightly. "Thank you Dream, I don't know what I'd do if you left."

Nightmare glanced at his twin, noticing the slightly guilty expression on his face. "Well then, do you want your soul back?"

"What the hell do you think?" Dream growled, glaring at him.

"Hey, no need to get feisty." Nightmare snorted, nodding over at Cross. "Do it."

The smaller muttered something under his breath, staring at the couple and gripping onto his knife tightly before pointing it at Dream's soul.

"Hey woah, what are you doing?!" Killer yelled before freezing in horror as Cross threw it.

But instead of hitting the soul, the knife sliced cleanly through the chains, sending them clattering to the ground loudly.

Dream clutched his chest, the sudden spike of fear for his own soul stunning him for a moment before he looked at Nightmare. "H-How can he do that? I thought p-people from the mortal realm don't have any powers."

The God offered a lazy smirk, walking over to the soul. "I bestowed some of my 'Godly powers' on him so that if anyone does happen to find out about him, I can say he's a demigod from winning a previous tournament."

"Clever..." He muttered.

"Yeah, more clever than you." Nightmare said, picking up the soul in his hands. "Last time I had this in my grasp, you were broken and begging for mercy..."

"I remember..." He winced, flashbacks clouding his vision for a moment.

"Well, stay out of my way and I won't have to do it again." Nightmare grinned cheerfully before holding it out. "Now take it before it's disgusting positivity kills me or something."

Dream gave a nervous step forwards, his hands shaking as he gently cupped the soul in his still bandaged hands. "Thank you, Brother..."

"Yeah yeah whatever, just get on with it, I'm getting bored already." Nightmare rolled his eye, watching.

"Sorry." Dream said quietly, giving Killer a weak smile before he pushed the soul back into his chest. Immediately he gasped, the feeling of life flowing through his bones quicker than ever before. He actually stumbled back, clutching his chest tightly at the feeling.

For a moment his whole world seemed to slow, the pounding of his soul in his chest being so loud that it was almost unbearable. Just the feeling of it burning inside of him almost hurt, having been used to it not being there for so long.

But then a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist, comforting words being whispered in his ear. "Relax Dream...it's okay..."

The smaller whimpered, clinging onto him tightly until his head stopped spinning and his vision cleared. "K-Killer...?"

"Yes Dream, it's me, relax." He rubbed his back softly, pressing a kiss against his sweaty forehead.

He nodded softly, letting out shallow pants as his body finally started adjusting to having a soul inside it again. "I-I'm fine now, thanks..."

Killer sighed, keeping him close as he looked up at Nightmare. "So, what now?"

The king paused his whispered conversation with Cross, staring at the two before standing straighter. "We send you home."

Dream watched weakly as Nightmare snapped his fingers, pointing down at the floor casually. No sooner than he'd done that, a wide portal formed in the centre of the chamber floor, sending both Killer and Dream stumbling back in surprise.

"You won't smash into a mortal's garden and break all the bones in your body, don't worry. You should land safely or some shit, I don't know."

"How promising you made that sound." Killer said dryly, taking a tentative step towards the edge and looking down at the world below.

It seemed so dark down there, everything dull and grey. Even though it was mid-afternoon, there didn't seem to be any sun. But then as if it had sensed what he'd been thinking, the world seemed to light up a bit, rays of sunshine forming and shining down on the desolate world below, warming it back up to life.

"The whole place has been in a giant panic ever since the sun disappeared, which is because of Dream's soul, by the way." Nightmare said, looking at them. "But now that it's back, the sun will slowly start to return. It may take a day or two to get completely back to normal, but don't worry, it'll happen."

Killer gave a short nod, watching as the world slowly started to light up again. "Okay, anything else we need to know?"

"Nope. Other than Dream might feel a little ill for a few days." Nightmare shrugged. "You're free to go."

He gave a weak sigh, smiling at Dream. "So, you ready to go, Dream?"

The small God nodded softly, but couldn't hide the incredible guilty look on his face.


"I-I'm fine Killer, c'mon." He walked over to the edge of the portal, down through it emotionlessly.

Killer rubbed his hand softly, giving him another smile. "Together?"

He nodded. "Together."

The two stood at the edge, silently counting down for their jump. But the at the last second, Dream stepped back, tears building up in his eyes as he pushed Killer forwards.

The mortal stumbled, his eyes widening as he just about managed to whip around and see Dream, his expression full of confusion and betrayal.

Dream watched as Killer fell through the portal and disappeared , fat tears streaming down his cheeks. "I-I'm Sorry Killer... But my people need me."


2,207 words, damn


I'm ever-so-slightly sorry



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