« really ? I didn’t know that .»

« yeah, but they do and… and they are really smart, you know ? » he continued using his hands to demonstrate better for me « they live together and talk with each other under the sea, but I don’t think they speak our language, Mrs Bently didn’t say which language. I guess they have their own » with his finger against his chin he carried on, « mom, they can learn tricks. I want to go to the seaworld and see them close »

He was so pationate about the sea and his creatures and anytime he found out anything new, he started to talk and talk about it asking so many question trying to know everything about it. He was very curious for an almost four year old but I liked that about him because he reminded me of a younger version of me. Yet I still didn’t know where that came from because neither his father nor I were involved in any kind of such. As a business man who married a publishing editor, we knew nothing about scietific descoveries or nature as a bigger theme.

« mom ? » his sweet voice pulled me back.

« can we have fish for dinner ? »

« of course sweetness.» I replied and he carried on the whole drive talking about his day and I enjoyed hearing his voice while driving, it was soothing somehow.

« we’re here » I annonced in sing son voice, pulling over on the drive way leading to the main house, he bounced up and down when he saw his dad’s car pointing to it with a huge smile on his face « looks like dady is already home, let’s get inside and tell him about dolphins.»

He jumped out of the car as soon as I parked. I got the goceries from the seat next to me and kicked the door close. I got to the house hearing him excitedly telling his dad about what he learnt.

« really ? They breath air ? How come ? » Rick woundered playfuly with a high petched tone just like  the one I used before, he looked my direction as I stepped in the living room, he was seating in the sofa with Bo on his lap « mommy, did you know dolphins beath air ? » he asked.

« oh yes, Bo told me on the way home. » Bo giggled nodding confirming that I didn’t know about it until he informed me.

I headed to the kitchin island puting the heavy bags on the marble stand and then started sorting the stuff on the fridge and the cabinets above.

« dad, can you buy me a dolphin ? » I heared Bo asking Rick.

« yes of course, I’ll buy you any toy you like »

« no, I want a real one, just like the one miss Bently showed us this morning» he clearified crossing both hands and Rick stroked the nape of his neck glancing at me, oh no, Mr smartpants, don’t even drag me into this. I gave him a warning glance.

« I am not so sure about this, we have to ask mommy. Mommy what do you say ?» he smirked. Really well played Rick ! He threw the ball right on my court while knowing I was a lousy player, so if anything, I would be the bad guy and he’d be the good loving dad. Bo looked at me with hopefull big eyes just like a cute puppy.  

« sweetie, » I tried to reason with him « this is a big responsability, we can’t give him all his needs. Plus, he will be lonely here, right dady ? »

« mommy’s right » Rick agreed with me brushing boo’s hair as his eyes started to get watery. Oh gosh, I didn’t want him to cry over this. « hey buddy, » Rick tried « he needs his family and his friends. You won’t like it if some one took you away from us. I won’t like that either okay ? »

« b..but I’ll be his friend » Bo whined, his eyes red.

I sat beside him and smoothed his hair, he tighted his small hands around me. I spoke,

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