Easter special

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Y/n's POV
I was walking down the hall looking for Ben since he was now my go to therapist and I just needed to vent to someone.

"Ben." I whisper yelled knowing he wouldn't hear me but hoping he would. I suddenly saw him in front of me reading a book.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked not looking up from his book.

"I need to vent." I said and he looked at me shocked for a second before trying to hug me just whooshing through me forcing me to turn him physical something I learned from Klaus. He then tried hugging me again succeeding this time.

"What happened?" He asked me in a worried ton like a protective older brother would with a younger sister who just got her heart broken.

"I can't find Five and today he said he would go out of his way to spend every second with me." I said and Ben hugged me tighter.

"It's fine, how about instead you hang out with me and we can watch Klaus try new things with his powers?" Ben asked me and I nodded making him a ghost again and following him to Klaus' room where he sat across from him on the floor and I sat in the bed, and then they started playing patty cake  like times before since Klaus still can't do it rarely so he practices to make sure he can do it a hundred percent every time no matter what.

Upon hours of watching them play patty cake and Klaus getting mad at the few instances where his powers don't work, I got bored and left the room walking to mine and Five's now shared room and entering finding Five there sleeping. Interested I poked his face causing him to wrinkle his nose then wake up. Once he saw my face he realized what day and time it was and immediately regretted sleeping and leaving me alone all day.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry I had to go out and do something last minute that took longer than expected and ended up falling whenever I came back." He apologized and I nodded trying to hide the sadness I was feeling.

"It's fine, Five." I said and he shook his head, holding my hand in one hand and placing the other on my cheek.

"No it's not, I should've waited til tomorrow but instead I didn't, so tomorrow I'll spend the whole day with you instead, and in the  meantime we can cuddle for the rest of the day." Five suggested and I nodded getting in bed with him letting me hold him as I held onto him.

I'm writing this on my phone which I don't like but whatever also I'm pretty sure I've already said this but go check out my friend stories about On My Block, The Umbrella Academy, and Why Don't We they're at -> NannaGarcia

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