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Larry was walking outside holding a plant walking to his bus when he noticed the bus wasn't there. "Honk honk." Jane said in front of a black spray painted bus. "Is that my bus?" Jane showed her jazz hands to show them the bus. "What on Earth are you doing?" Rita asked coming out of Doom Manor. "What are we doing?" Jane corrected her "We're going into town." "After the Chief explicitly told us not to." Rita said "This is your most reckless scheme yet, Jane." "Crazy Jane." Jane said. "I'm in." Cliff said. "Shocking." Rita said sarcastically. "Larry?" Jane asked. "Um, does it matter to any of you that the Chief thinks we're not ready? No." Larry said. "Rita." Jane said copying off of her accent. "Don't be ridiculous." Rita said. "Oh come on, there's a whole world waiting to be seen. That hasn't seen you in 60 years." Jane said. "I see what you're doing, playing my ego I won't be played." Rita said. "Okay. Happy knitting." Jane said. "Larry." Rita said loudly. "Don't." Larry said. "Larry!" Rita yelled. Larry groaned and looked up at the sky.

At the town

"Don't say a word." Rita said looking in the mirror. "You look nice." Jane said. "Of course I do." Rita closed the mirror and put on her sunglasses "Don't wait up." Rita got off the bus she came back "Which one of you has any money?"

Jane and Cliff were walking to a toy store. "You okay?" Jane asked. "All good." Cliff replies quickly. "Almost there." Jane said. That's when we arrived to the toy store. "I don't get it." Cliff said confused. Jane turned to him. "You said it was your daughters birthday." Cliff stared at Jane.

After they picked her present they were sitting on a bench. Cliff was looking at the stuffed animal. "One day a year, I had one job. Buy the present. It was my favorite day. The accident was a few days before her birthday and I was so angry by then, at myself, my wife, I couldn't see past my own bullshit, and then I forgot." Cliff said. "You forgot to buy your daughter a birthday present?" Jane said. "I was busy, fucking the nanny." Cliff said. "You idiot." Jane said. "Yeah." Cliff said. "And now I'm totally stressed." Jane said pulling out a cigarette and a lighter and lit it. "Oh, oh god I would so fuck that joint up." Cliff said. "Except it's mine so fuck off." Jane said. She smoke it once again but she blew the smoke in Cliffs face. "Anything?" Jane asked. Cliff groaned.

"How pissed do you think the Chief would be if he found out we were out here being gawked at?" Cliff asked. "I honestly don't give a fuck." Jane said. "Nope, not buying it." Cliff said. "What?" Jane said. "I think you care a lot about what Chief thinks." Cliff said. "You don't know me." Jane said. "You need him just like the rest of us. Hey hate to say it but I need him too, to get my life back or whatever that looks like." Cliff said. "If you want your life back why don't you just call her?" Jane asked. "Who?" Cliff asked. "Your daughter." Jane said. Cliff turned to Jane. "My daughters dead." Cliff said. "According to?" Jane asked. "My daughters dead." Cliff repeated. "Oh, because you can confirm that? Multiple sources? It's all over the internet man. Your shitty driving. Wife, Kate, decapitated, Daughter, Clara, sole survivor." Jane said. "Shut up Jane." Cliff said. "There are three Clara Steele's in the United States." Jane said. "My daughters dead." Cliff said loudly. "Let's find out." Jane said about to call her. "No!" Cliff yelled grabbing her phone. He crushed her phone and dropped it on the ground. "Asshole!" Jane yelled. "Hey! Is their a problem ma'am ?" A police officer said. Jane turned into Hammerhead. "No officer, the only problem I see hear is you pig." Hammerhead said. "Oh here we go." Cliff said. "Officers, my friend here is a little depressed maybe a little high, but she takes it all back, take it back Hammerhead." Cliff said. "Which one of you motherfuckers wants me to jerk a knot in your ass." Hammerhead said. "Oh fuck me." Cliff and Hammerhead turned around because they heard screaming. Hammerhead turned back into Jane. They saw a blob rolling down the street. "What the hell is that?" Cliff asked. "Rita." Jane said running towards her. "Rita! Rita! Rita can you hear me?! Rita! Rita! Fucking bitch get a grip over yourself!" Jane turned into Hammerhead and yelled. Jane and Cliff kept on following her. They saw a bus crash into a car and was trapped. "What do we do?" Cliff asked. Jane turned into Sun Daddy and grew bigger. Cliff looked at Sun Daddy and said "Nope not doing that." Sun Daddy rolled her eyes ( even though she doesn't have eyes.) and turned back into Jane. Jane saw Cliff stop Rita from ramming the bus by picking up a piece of the street and acting like a street. They left the town and went back to Doom Manor.

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