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Jane was outside painting when Cliff walked towards her. Their was a silence for a moment. "Jane." "Cliff." "The Robot man," Jane said "Hammerhead told me you meet." "She tell you she grabbed my junk," Cliff said. Jane smiles a little "Hammerhead doesn't kiss and tell." "So, how long have you been busting Chiefs balls?" Cliff asked. "Long before you got here, 7 days," Jane said continuing to paint"you know how it is when you meet the Chief, best day of my life." "You know it wasn't all Hammerhead's fault," Cliff said "next weeks my daughters birthday, pretty much the 30th year straight I haven't been to with her. I'm a little bit on edge I guess."


"It's getting dark," Cliff said and saw Jane had changed personalities "Jane?" "No I'm the Hangman's Daughter." Hangman's Daughter said. "Ok." Cliff said. "Do remember what it felt like, to be normal like them?" Hangman's Daughter said. "Sometimes I try to remember, sometimes I hope I still can be." Cliff said. "I don't even know what to hope for." Hangman's Daughter said "My paintings ruined, everything's gone wrong." "Come in out of the rain."

Crazy JaneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora