
Writer: @ElfOfResilience

As I'm led I to this room that Giles described as the "Great Room" I feel a chill run down my spine. This isn't a game that I've ever played before, this isn't an environment that I'm familiar with. It looks like I'm the second one to arrive, for a young lady stands before me, all alone.

She checks her watch as if to say that I'm late myself, despite being the second one to arrive to whatever I've let myself in for. She looks as if she's rich and uptight, with a very posh job and a lot of money to splash around. As I hesitate to advance towards her, Giles leaves to collect whatever guest just rang the doorbell.

"Good afternoon, m'lady," I smile at her, trying not to let my accent show too thickly through the English words I utter to her. "My name is Cyril and I'm a French teacher at a college. How about yourself?"

"Hello," the woman replies, a thin frown on her lips. "My name is Marie. I'm a lawyer." Already, I can see the wrinkles on her face, obviously there partially because of the stress she must be put under at work. "I know it's too early to trust anyone, but do you care to make an alliance, Mr Cyril?"

"Of course, m'lady," I reply, lifting my hat for her. "The surname is Marinescu. French native, you see." She smiles slightly, showing off the Botox that she's had done in the past; her skin is like stretched plastic, showing no real emotion under the layer of surgery and make up. She could be beautiful, but something about her appearance is just off.

"Anyway, I'm going to go and tour the place. I shall look forward to seeing you, Mr Marinescu." With that, she spins on her heel and trots off into whatever room lies to our left. Just as I'm about to leave, I notice a young girl walk in behind Giles.

"I take it that Miss Chambers has left to explore," Giles murmurs, gesturing the young blonde into the room. "Cyril, meet Alice. Explore yourselves, you don't have to wait around for the others!" Giles leaves the two of us along with an awkward silence.

"My name is Cyril Marinescu," I say, leaving my arm outstretched in an attempt to make friends. She gladly shakes my hand and I smile at the beautiful lady. She looks like the kind of people that you see on television, posing in clothing for certain companies. Models, I think they call them.

"Alice Tridane," Alice replies, finally letting go of my hand. "I shall see you around; I'm going to find the bedroom and the bathroom. Goodbye Cyril!" She wonders off and leaves me to ponder myself.

After aimlessly walking for a few minutes, I come across a room that I can only call the library of Rue Manor. Letters and quill pens are scattered around, along with a few books. This isn't your generic library, but an office like library. I know this isn't the office because I passed it in my way here - signs have been left for us so we know what room is what.

As I leave the library, I notice yet another person; however, this time it is a man. "Hello," I call out to him, gaining his attention. I'm sure that people will remember my face and voice, for the French within me is noticeable. I may as well give them my name too. "My name is Cyril."

The young boy standing before me smiles and holds out his hand; I shake it instantly. "Nathaniel Tybalt," he states. His t-shirt clings to his muscles and his strawberry blonde hair flicks to the side, giving him that jock kind of look. "You looking for a particular room?"

"Not really," I reply, glancing around the corridor. "Maybe I should check out the bathroom, just so I know where it is." Just as I'm about to leave to find the bathroom, I hear the most blood curdling scream from down the corridor.

Now the games are about to begin.


Writer: @fenderbender12

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