The Rules

728 11 59

How to Play:

If you don't know how to play read this... You will pick a gender to start with. (How to do this will be in the sign up section.) Once your finish that, the first task will be sent on this book. You right about your character as if they are a guest at Rue Manor. You will have to come up with a theory about how the previous person died, the person with the best guess will get +3 points. You will be given a task every week in which you have to right incorporating the things that a required in that task. You will have 1 week starting on the Monday after everyone signs up to write your entry. If you have any other questions about how to play message me or comment your question in the comment section of this part. If you don't live near me like in Europe then probably want to turn in 24hours early!


1. Be nice, why would you want to hurt someone for wanting to write. We all good, we all cool.

2. Listen to the tasks and turn your entries in on time I'm giving you a week so you hopefully have enough to write. Failure to listen to the task or turn in on time will means you forfeit the whodunnit. And I don't want to do that :) If you can't hand in on time for a reason tell me and I probably will let you have an extension.

3. The entires will be scored out of 12. Allies (friends) are allowed if you want to write about your character teaming up with your friends character but, you both still have to write your own separate stories.

4. Please do not ask to be the killer! That is such a big pet peeve of mine!


Character List and Reservations:

To reserve a character you have to comment and tell me the name of the butler. After that, you will reserve your character by writing or messaging me what character you want to write as. First come first serve! Once you see your name in the character list you will write a description about your character including: Name, Age (18-60) ,Gender, Personality, Appearance, Background, Occupation. No pictures only because I'm OCD and if one person has a picture everyone has too. Once you wrote that in your Notes app or what ever you use to write your entries message me that you finished your description. Remember one of you will be the killer so right as if you were a regular contestant and don't tell anybody! You also will have to come up with crazy deaths so... be prepared for that!

Female- misslivi17

Male- JustALittleInfinity

Female- EverydayAwkwardness

Male- ElfOfResilience [DEAD]

Female- TheUnexpectedVictor

Male- PrestonWillis

Female- Maddieannxo

Male- YourAverageDemigod

Female- MollyMoynihan

Male- fenderbender12

Female- elizabeth_w55

Male- Unknown [DEAD]

Female- __elizabethanne

I hope you participate in this and hopefully we will start really soon!

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