Jennie didn't wait. She really made Chaeyoung real hot that night. It was pure pleasure.


"What are you staring at?"

Chaeyoung turned to find Jennie with two glasses of water in her hands. Chaeyoung was staring intently at the couch; reminiscing about the moments they had together. She shook her head.

"Nah, I was just stoning."

Jennie shrugged her shoulders before putting the two glasses on the coffee table. Jennie sat comfortably on her sofa with Chaeyoung wheeling herself closer to Jennie. They were staring at each other and Chaeyoung could see the puffiness in Jennie's eyes.

"Have you been crying?"

"Try being hurt in two relationships simultaneously; see if you'll cry your heart out."

Jennie's sarcasm was difficult to stomach but Chaeyoung tolerated it well. Jennie was mad at her and Jisoo for lying to her. Well, Jisoo was an innocent victim so Chaeyoung was here to set things right.

"I know you're mad at me."

"I'm furiously mad at you for lying about everything."

"Jennie, I have reasons for hiding this from you. It's really difficult for me to watch you cry all the time. I'm now a burden to myself and the people around me."

"But I love you! Shouldn't I be shouldering this burden as well? We're supposed to be married, Chaeyoung. I don't care if I have to carry you for life! I love you so much; can't you understand me?!"

"I know you love me so much that's why I couldn't put you through this shit with me."

"And you allowed Lisa to come in and bear this shit with you?"

"Lisa came on her accord. I didn't ask her to stay with me."

"So you allowed Lisa to do so? Why?"

"Because Lisa wanted to be there for me. I know this sounds insane but Lisa made a promise that she'd stay with me no matter what happen in the future. I know I'm selfish enough to hurt you and Jisoo because of Lisa."

"Damn right, you are!"

"But Jennie, Jisoo is innocent. She's being dragged into this. Lisa often praised highly of her. Jisoo has a heart of gold. She's forgiving. I know Lisa regretted leaving her like as much as I regretted leaving you."

"But she's the same like you. She lied to me!"

"She lied because she had a reason to do so. She's equally hurting like you. Lisa left her for me. And it hurt Lisa so much to know that she was the same reason for Jisoo's heart to be broken this time."

Jennie kept quiet. Honestly, she misses Jisoo a lot.

"Jennie, I know you love Jisoo, right?"

Jennie looked away. She fell in love with Jisoo because she was the best thing in the world that ever happened to her after Chaeyoung.

"We went through a lot together. I almost lost her to someone else and I almost ended up as somebody's girl. But God was fair enough to bring us together."

"He led you to her again, right?"

"I guess so."

"Jennie, whatever happened between you and me has nothing got to do with Jisoo. I saw your smile before. I saw you with Jisoo before. You were so happy; your smile was so radiant and your face actually shone so brightly. Only Jisoo could bring that out of you."

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