"Alright... One down." Ash Hooves panted as he wiped some blood off his face.

Green Trees stared at the dead Crystal Pony by his hooves. Silently envying them for finally being free of Sombra's wretched hold.

"Amber Leaf" Ash Hooves turned to the young mare, "Go tell the others. It's time to show King Sombra what we're made of!"

"R-right." the mare said hesitantly before galloping up the tunnel.

Green Trees and the others took the time to wipe off any blood they had on them before picking up their pickaxes and started charging up the tunnel. They soon met with the other ponies and together they charged out of the mine. Pickaxes raised and ready for battle. As soon as they reached the surface, however, they all came to a skidding stop.

Obsidian Guards, almost half of the current army, stood waiting for them with their weapons. They surrounded the Crystal Ponies; blocking off any sort of escape route. The pegasi and unicorn crystal ponies who worked in the mines had their horn or wings clipped off to prevent any sort of escape or attack. So they immediately lost hope of escape. Standing before them was none other then King Sombra, Twilight Terror, and Black Fire.

Sombra chuckled. "Oh, you foolish slaves." he said smoothly. "Did you honestly think you would get away with a rebellion without me finding out?"

"How?" Ash Hooves snarled. Putting up a brave face. That face was quickly replaced with one of sheer shock when Amber Leaf emerged from behind the dark unicorn. Head lowered and ears flat against her mane.

"A-Amber?" Green Trees asked shakely. Also shocked by this sudden act of betrayal from the young mare.

Amber Leaf opened her eyes and looked at her former friends. In tears, she said remorsefully, "I-I'm sorry everyone. But I just had to..."

"But why!?" Ash Hooves screamed.

"Because there's no way!" Amber screamed back. Tears flowing down her face as she glared at the others. "We can't defeat King Sombra! We just can't! There's no possible way! Even Shining Armor or those six ponies couldn't stop him! It's hopeless! Just hopeless!"

"Such a good mare." Sombra cooed fondly as he brushed his hoof against the mares mane. "Now. Why don't you tell us who the masterminds of this little rebellion are?"

Amber Leaf sniffled and gulped before looking at the group tearfully. The other crystal ponies looked at her fearfully and anxiously. Silently begging her not to tell.

Don't tell him, Amber. Please, Green Trees thought.

"A-Ash Hooves. Green Trees. A-and Crystal Arrow."

The ponies whose names were called closed their eyes and sighed heavily.

"Step forward." Sombra commanded.

The ponies looked at one another before dropping their only weapons and stood before the dark king. Putting up brave faces. Sombra nodded and turned to Black Fire. "Black Fire, kill them." he ordered without remorse. The crimson pegasus nodded before raising his prized weapon; a black halberd he called "The Harbinger". Amber Leaf desperately wanted to close her eyes or look away, but she knew that the king would be very displeased if she did so.

The Crystal Ponies from the small resistance group and the others watched as Fire Black decapitated Ash Hooves's head cleanly. The head fell to the ground in a hard "thump" that caused Amber to flinch. Crystal Arrow was next. The stallion bravely closed his eyes and waited for the moment his vision would go permanently black. Like Ash Hooves, his head was sliced right off. And then it was Green Trees's turn. He continued to stare at Amber Waves even as Black Fire stood before him with the blade of his halberd resting mere inches from his neck.

He wouldn't die hating her. He would choose not to hate her for her betrayal. Instead he mentally thanked her; for he was finally going to be free from this hellhole. Amber Leaf blinked just as the blade ran through the green stallions neck. She squeaked in terror as she watched his head fall and roll to the side while his body fell above Ash Hooves's.

"Let this be a reminder to all if you ever try to defy the throne." Sombra said gravely.

The Crystal Ponies huddled together in one group and bowed their heads slightly in submission. Sombra then turned to some of his guards and gestured to the ponies. "Take them back to the mine. And make sure they work until noon, tomorrow."

Amber watched quietly as the guards herded her former friends back into the mine while others took the heads and bodies of Ash Hooves, Green Trees, and Crystal Arrow. She got up and took a few steps towards the mine. Thinking that her duty was done.

"Not you, Amber Leaf." Sombra said in a much more gentler tone.

The mare stopped and looked over her shoulder to find both the king and queen smiling at her. It sent shivers down her spine. She stayed still as the black unicorn approached her. She looked into his burning eyes. Was this the same unicorn who'd given her his red scarf? The same unicorn who comforted her? The same unicorn who shared a similar love interest in her while she did in him?


The Sombra she knew a thousand years ago was dead. Having fallen through an ice-covered lake and drowned by his own shadow. This was a different Sombra. A Sombra she did not recognize one bit. Yet...she helped him.

"You were wise to alert us a few days prior to this." Sombra praised the young mare. "Perhaps you could prove quite more useful than just working in the mines."

Amber blinked. Her eyes widening in curiosity.


"Are you sure about your decision with her?" Twilight asked as they crawled into bed that night. Sombra nodded.

"Yes. I am fully confident about my decision for her."

Twilight raised her brow curiously before she straddled her husband's lap. Leaning her head down to nuzzle him lovingly. "I saw the way she looked at you." she growled softly, "She better not try anything funny with my king."

Sombra chuckled before her kissed her passionately. "Relax, love. She won't try anything on me. Everypony knows how you get when you're angry."

Twilight scoffed in false offense and crossed her arms. "What does that suppose to mean?"

"It just means you won't be having competition any time soon." Sombra suddenly grabbed Twilight's waist and flopped places. The young alicorn laughing in surprise as she was pressed against the mattress before sharing a heated kiss.


The train ride back from Appleloosa was a quiet one for all of the Royal Guard members. Some of which found it hard to sleep that night. Both Rainbow Dash and Star Knight thought it would be best if they got away from the others and hung out at the end of the train. Dash thought on how she was going to break the news to Little Strongheart when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She looked up and found Star Knight looking down at her with concerned green eyes.

"Are you still troubled about what we saw back there?" he asked gently.

Rainbow Dash sighed and buried her face in her hooves. "It's just... I don't how I'm going to explain this to Little Strongheart. She's all alone now!"

"Doesn't she know another herd that would welcome her?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Not that I know of."

"Hmm." Star Knight gave his new friend a gentle nudge with his elbow. "Cheer up. You'll think of something. I know you will."

Rainbow Dash said nothing in return.

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