
And I'm glad I did.


He's going to leave. As soon as I fall in love with him, or, if I'm lucky, I have to say it first. So I'm never going to say it.

Maybe I should make sure not to fall in love with him at all, just in case.

I needed to find a girl. It would kill Michael (no pun intended)... but he managed it before. Apparently, I had a girlfriend when he was alive. Maybe it's the same one I'm about to find.


"Hi," I said to the girl sitting next to me. "I like your hair." It was true; she had curly light brown hair and I really just wanted to touch it.

"Thanks," she chuckled, swirling her finger in one strand. "My name's Sara. Yours?"


"Nice name. It suits you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I don't think I ever met a Luke that wasn't cute."

I felt myself blushed and looked down. "Um, thanks."

"You're welcome. So do you wanna sit at the table with me and my friends at lunch?" (A/N: I know that was improper grammar ok)



"You were totally flirting with that guy!" Jamie whisper-screamed after pulling me into the girls' bathroom to talk.

"I swear, it's not what you think. Didn't you see his face whenever I told him he was cute or something? It was hilarious. We're just friends."

"Well are you sure he knows that? Have you even told him about us?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, but I didn't think I needed to. He's not the type of guy who would make the first move, and if he does, I'll turn him down."

"I also don't want him to get hurt by you leading him on."

"Ugh, fine, I'll tell him, okay?"

"Ok," Jamie said, smiling as she locked the bathroom door and pulled me into a kiss.


Now that Luke was with his new friends, he didn't really talk to me except at home or other times when he was "alone." Sometimes he'd type me a message on his phone, but I hated not being able to hear his beautiful voice. You understand, right?

"So, Luke, I like your hair that way, it looks really cute."

"GO AWAY, SARA!" I screamed, earning a look from Luke. "Sorry."

"What are you looking at?" Jamie asked. For some reason, I was okay with her. Probably because she wasn't trying to steal my Lukey away.

"Say you're looking at that guy's hamburger, it's huge," I suggested.

"That guy's hamburger it's huge?" Luke said in a way that was so unconvincing, I buried my face in my hand even though no one but Luke could see me anyway.

Jamie's eyes went wide. "Luke, can I talk to you?"

"Sure..." Luke followed her and I followed him. I trusted Jamie more than Sara, but that didn't mean I trusted her.

Jamie typed a message into her phone, hiding it from Luke. I, being the snoop I was, shuffled over and looked over her shoulder. Not you. She looked directly into my eyes and I flipped out.


She bit her lip. "So Luke..."

"You can see Michael too? What?"

"Yeah. I thought he was your friend at first, but I didn't see you talking to him, so I wondered if you could see him."

I nodded. "He doesn't talk to me when there are other people around."

"I don't want to look crazy," Luke added, probably because Jamie looked confused.

"Oh, ok."

"Jamie, can I talk to you for a second, actually? Michael, stay here." I nodded. He probably forgot that I can hear him whether we're in the same room or not. They went a ways away and I just sat there on the floor and listened. "I know why you can see him," Luke said. I didn't hear her response. For some reason, even though they both could see me, his was the only voice I could hear. "He came back to get someone to fall in love with him. You're obviously the one intended to fall in love with him, I can only see him because we were friends before." Pause. "Well maybe you're not! I bet you're just somewhere in between, like bisexual or pansexual or something. Because I feel like it!" What? I hated only being able to hear one side of the conversation. "No, I'm not. And even if I am, I don't really want to. He brought this up the other night, if I fall in love with him, he's just going to go away. No, I'm not saying you deserve it any more than I do, it's just--fine, maybe I am a little selfish, so? Everyone is." Not the Luke I remembered. "Wait, you and Sara?" Ooh... "No, she didn't tell me... Well, shit then. I guess I'm going to have to make the sacrifice."

"Don't sacrifice anything for me, Luke," I said when Luke and Jamie arrived back where we were talking before, and he gave me a strange look. "Remember, I can hear you?"


"No, it's okay. I'll just go."

As I walked away, I realized that I did this too much. I always left him there. But it was just too painful.

Once I was alone I started singing the song I wrote for him. "Throwing rocks at your window at midnight, You met me in your bedroom that night..." Bedroom sounded really creepy. I would change it later. "In the moonlight, you looked just like an angel in disguise, my whole life seemed like a postcard." I smiled as I remembered one time in my human life when Luke and I got really drunk... we both claimed we didn't remember in the morning, but I did. "You were mine for a night, I was out of my mind..." I couldn't continue because I started crying so hard I couldn't sing.

So idk sorry I couldn't find a better one of their songs for this situation they don't really write songs about ghosts much lol

well goodnight enjoy ily all

- <3 rach <3

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