New Year's one-shot: A year apart

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Warning: Lots of angst, excessive alcohol use, and mature themes

The room seemed to be bubbling as much as the champagne that was handed out. There were dozens of guests and servants scattered over the ballroom, some dancing to the classical music in pairs, others tasting from the buffet table and plenty chatting by the sidelines while calling over servants for a drink or appetizer. Each guest enjoying the festivities in their own way. And even the domestics, despite being talked down to, being roughly pulled closer and ordered around, managed to find some bits of enjoyment through sneaking a sip or bite from the delicacies they handed out or by catching the attention of elites for a moment. The only one completely unsatisfied with this night was the host himself. He hid that with a smile every time someone greeted him and by mingling with some of the most important visitants. But deep down he felt nothing but disdain for this whole carouse. But despite his skill for masking, the giant shadowing him caught on.

"Master?" The man let out a low hum to allow him to speak, right after a well-dressed couple left them. "Is something to your disliking?" The adolescent sighed, not thrilled with the direction of this conversation. "Those nitwits did mess up our décor order. The posies do look a tat out of place with the rest of the trinkets. But I doubt our guests will notice." One look at his annoyed young master made him shut his mouth, waiting for whatever mistake he had just made to be pointed out.

"Rourke, do I look like I care at all about some flowers and greenery?" The half-giant shook his head. "Exactly, that's because I don't. Can you just-" He stopped for a moment to rub his temples and took a breath to control his vexation. "Just stop treading on my heels for one moment. Your constant tailing is getting on my nerves." Rourke bowed before hastily getting out of his sight. Probably to boss around those of lower rank than him to fill his need to govern others. Rafe was content with that as long as he didn't follow him around like a lost puppy anymore.

Without the giant's breath in his neck, he could travel across the ballroom with more ease. The same as before he exchanged small bows and greetings with the gentlemen and ladies he passed by. That was until from his left came flying a pearly white piece of fabric. Out of reflex, Rafe caught it. Questioningly, he looked at what he had in his hands. In a pale blue thread were the corners embroidered with flowers and nightingales. From the same direction the napkin came from approached a young woman of his age. Just like the stitching on her hanky, her gown was pale blue. Her hair, a shining blonde with a little brown in between, tied in a complex, braided bun.

"You caught it perfectly, I had expected no less." Before he could even utter a word she held out her hand. "Mary Winston, a pleasure." As his Victorian manners demanded he took hers in his and placed a light kiss on the back of her hand. "I thought some practice wouldn't hurt, that way I can be sure you can catch mine in the handkerchief chase."

"My apologies, miss Winston. But I don't plan on participating in the handkerchief chase or any other dance tonight. But there are plenty of other gallant gentlemen that would take my place. I hope you enjoy the festivities." The young lady watched in confusion as he excused himself. Of all possible responses she hadn't expected that one. With a slightly bruised ego, she returned to a small group of women that giggled amongst themselves after witnessing their friend's attempt.

"I told you trying is futile with him," one of the women, dressed in a pink gown, repeated herself from earlier that night.

"Why is that? I mean he didn't even consider. That's not usual, is it? Any other of these men would have fallen over themselves."

"You really haven't heard?" the twin half in her yellow dress inquired. Mary shook her head

"He is technically labeled a bachelor, that doesn't mean his heart hasn't been claimed yet." The other, in a green gown, added. Once more the woman dressed in pink took the lead.

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