
Damon's POV

Sleeping in one of the guest rooms without Aria felt awful. I barely got any sleep, my mind was never calm without her. My wolf continued to pace around my mind as he worries about her, and what's she's doing. The maids were confused when they saw that their King was sleeping in a guest room and not with the Queen. They tried to clean the room but quickly left me alone when they saw my state.

My mind stayed occupied with all the meeting and such. By the end of the day, I realize I haven't seen or even smelt Aria anywhere in the castle. I knew she was still here, but I couldn't sense her well-being. That worried me even more, who knows what could've happened to her while I'm away from her. It was early morning when I decided to send Maid Sarah and a few guards to go check on Aria. I knew she didn't want to see me as much as I didn't want to see her, but I had to know she was okay.

Now, here I am, waiting in my office for Maid Sarah to give me an update on Aria. I shoved my hands into my dark blue suit, pacing my length of my office. I should be filling out paperwork, but my mind was on Aria, and Aria only. As much as I didn't want to emit it, I missed her. I was starting to see how what I had done was wrong, and why she was so hurt. I just wish I could go back and change it. A knock on my door pulls me away from my thoughts.

"Yes?" I ask, waiting for Maid Sarah to enter. The door opens and Daniel walks in. I let out a disappointed sigh.

"Wow, I didn't think I was that boring." Daniel jokes, throwing his hands up in a defensive manner.

"No, it's just I'm waiting for someone." I say, sitting down on my desk.

"Wait! Are you and Aria making up? If so, I can leave." Daniel says excitedly, he knows how much not seeing her is tearing me apart.

"That's not it, I sent a maid to go check on Aria." I say, Daniel then takes a seat on the couch in the corner of my office.

"Oh, are you still not going to talk to her?" Daniel asks harshly.

"She doesn't want to see me." I say, looking down.

"Damon, she's your mate, yeah she might be mad at you but she can't live without you. The sooner you try to talk to her, the sooner things go back to normal." He says. Then I hear another knock on the door. Daniel gets up to answer the door, Maid Sarah was right behind it.

"I have an update, Your Majesty." She says, looking past Daniel, at me.

"Can you give us a second, Daniel?" I ask, he nods and leave the room closing the door behind him.

"Is she okay?" I immediately ask.

"Yes, at least I believe so." She tells me. "She refused to talk to me, I had to use the emergency call to get her to reply."

"That doesn't seem like she's okay." I say, my wolf starts to whimper.

"She is, in a sense. She's upset about whatever the two of you argued about. Her anxiety is very high currently due to her mother and not having you with her. She's stubborn and doesn't want anyone to know but I've known her long enough to tell what's wrong." She says, giving me a motherly look.

"I didn't mean for this to happen, it just did." I says, feeling ashamed.

"She's back to her normal schedule, try to talk to her, she doesn't want to but it'll calm her nerves." She tells me, leaving my office.

"Thank you, Maid Sarah." I say, letting out a deep sigh. How was I going to fix this? I sit down at my desk, trying to start on some work. Knowing she was at least physically okay was all I needed. A few hours pass by, I continue to fill out paperwork or make phone calls.

"Yes, the paperwork is ready." I say into my phone, talking to one of the many Alpha's. "All I need is for you to come pick it up."

I suddenly get a strong whiff of my favorite smell. I can hear her heels click against the marble floors right outside my office.

"I'll have to call you back, Alpha Kurtis." I quickly say into my phone, ending the call. I throw my phone somewhere in the room and sprint towards my office door. I swing open the door and jump out of the room.

"Aria!" I say before I can even see her. I spot her, almost at the end of the hallway. "Stop!"

Her body turns around to face me, her beautiful hair whipping with it. Seeing her for the first time in over 24 hours felt like water in the middle of the desert.

"I know you don't want to talk to me, but I want you to know that I didn't mean what I said." I say, hoping she's listening. "I love you."

She stands there, just staring at me with a blank expression. She turns to leave but then suddenly stops. She turns around again, just before she's out of my sight.

"I love you too"

And then she's gone.


Aria's POV

By the end of the day, all I wanted to do was lay in my bed and cry. Seeing Damon didn't help either and then entering the suite to see Sarah.

"What do you want? All I want to do is lay down and cry." I say, mentally exhausted from trying to act normal all day.

"I came to bring you dinner and keep you company." She says, placing a warm plate filled with some sort of casserole on my lap. I got a smell of whatever was in this food and immediately felt the need to throw up. I rush to the bathroom and empty my stomach into the toilet.

"This is what I thought had happened..." I hear Sarah say, walking into the bathroom. I wipe my mouth and look up at her.

"What happened?" I ask, getting annoyed.

"Honey, I think I can sense a second heartbeat." She says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, there's two of us here!" I ask, is she going crazy?

"No, a second heartbeat in you." She says, pointing at my stomach. It suddenly clicks, this could be happening. "When was the last time you had your period?"

"I think over a month ago, I'm late." I say, start to realize what's happening. She suddenly pulls out something from a drawer in the cabinet.

"Let's try this then." She says, as she hands me a pregnancy test.



Sorry for all the POV changes! I'll hopefully be updating more during the summer!!

What was your fav part??

Word count:1737

The Queen's Alphaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें