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1863. George Trotter had just bought an old box from an antique shop, he walked back to his own shop at no:2 Hamley street. He quickly went inside, said hello to his wife Grace and baby Toby, went in his office/experiment room, and used the key he had made to fit the lock of this box which hadn't been opened for hundreds of years. He turned the key and the lid creaked open. Inside lay a perfectly kept golden pocket watch, with music notes gently fluttering by on the front behind a blue butterfly.

George paced the room with it in his hands trying to think of what he could do with it when suddenly he couldnt take another step, because the watch wouldn't move, despite the fact he was holding it in midair and nothing else was touching it.

George looked around trying to find what was doing it and saw that the watch was facing the mirror, and the mirror was glowing! The light got stronger and he felt a sharp pang of pain shooting up his arm.

"AARH!" He screamed in pain and was forced to let go, but the watch still hung there, the mirror rattled and a cold, fresh wind blasted out the mirror, a loud humming noise echoed around the room.

"George?" Called his wife Grace, "what's going on in there? GEORGE!!"

The memories remain vivid to Toby for many years after, despite how small he had been. Whenever he wanders through his memories, there they are, the perplexed policeman invading his home for clues that couldn't be found. His mother's voice, near unrecognisable as she choked on the tears they were both drowning in. The tears grieving the gaping cavities in their hearts where his father had once been.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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