I walked out of the room after mumbling “You’re welcome.”  I headed towards the kitchen and called to Rex, but he stayed at Ariyana’s door watching her closely.

“Come on, Rex,” I said again. 

He was being stubborn, so I left him.  Hopefully he wouldn’t frighten Ariyana.  I continued into the kitchen and grabbed some bacon and eggs out of the refrigerator.  I set them on the counter, grabbed my frying pan and set to work.

Rex finally padded down the hallway and sat at my feet hoping I’d drop some food.  I tossed him some bread while making toast.  When the breakfast was nearly finished, Ariyana walked into the kitchen. 

“Hope you’re hungry,” I said, “I cooked too much food.”


I took a seat at the table and watched as Blake poured a black liquid into a mug.  It smelled oddly delicious, but I didn’t think I could drink something black.  He set it and a plate of food in front of me.  The food didn’t look much different than what I was used to on my planet.  He poured himself a cup of the same liquid and walked back to the table.  He sat across from me and smiled.   His dog lay near the backdoor and watched us intently.

“So,” he said, “Is everything okay?”

I looked at him. I didn’t understand his question. 

“The food.  Is it okay?”

“Oh, yes.  Thank you.”

I smiled and took a bite of the eggs.  He smiled too and put his mug to his lips.  He took a drink and set it back down. 

I was still wary of the drink.  I knew it’d be hot because steam rose from it.  I don’t remember ever drinking anything like this before, but it couldn’t be too bad.  Yet, I let it sit for a while in hopes that it wouldn’t be too hot by the time I get around to drinking it.  Instead, I eat more of the eggs and burnt bread.

“Sorry about the toast,” he said, “If it’s not good.  I can make you some more.”

“It’s fine.  Thanks.”

He nodded and then stared at me.  I blushed. 

“What’s your story?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

“How’d you end up here?”

I didn’t want to talk about it, but he was so nice in helping me out. 

“I left my family.”

“How come?”

It pained me to think about it.  I couldn’t live that life anymore.  I wouldn’t be forced to do anything I didn’t want to any longer.

“Just – differences.”

He nodded like he understood.   My chest fluttered, which frightened me.  I put my hand to my chest, and he asked, “Are you all right?”

It calmed down, and I said, “Yes.  I’m fine.  Sorry.”  I forced a smile on my face.

He nodded, but concern was written all over his face.   

“Do you live alone?” I asked, needing to get the subject off of me.


“No mate then?”

He laughed.  “No.  No mate.”

I don’t understand why that would be funny.  We fall silent, and I ate the rest of my food as he watched me.  It made me nervous, but I was so hungry. 

One Night Amongst the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now