"Here, you can sit on this chair. I also brought a sofa incase you needed to lay down or anything." Garcia tells me, always thinking of others.

"Thanks Garcia. I'll be fine, really." I insist.

"Okay. Just making sure." Then, she asks "So, how are things going with Reid?"

"Great. He stayed with me the first few nights I got back. We also spent Christmas Eve with each other before we got called in. We just can tell each other anything. We also can just relate with a lot of things."

"Well, you two have been through a lot. I'm really glad that both of you are so happy now. Reid would always drown the pain with intelligence. He read several books while waiting for you to wake up. That was between his pacing and fretting about you." Penelope informs me. "He's just been waiting for that girl. One to stay with him."

"Yes, I know about Mauve. I'm glad that when I wasn't part of his life, he had someone to make him happy. I believe that you can have more than one love in your life, especially in a scenario like this."

"You two really tell each other everything. Even the most depressing subjects. You guys really love each other, don't you?" Garcia asks, but yet more like a statement if that makes sense.

"Yeah, we do." I admit.

"It's really refreshing to have you and Reid around eachother. It lightens things up quite a deal."

"Well, kind of like your office. I really like how bright and colorful it is. Well, as much as a office can be."

"I like to surround myself with happy, colorful things to help me out with all of the horrible things I see on these screens."

"I really like that concept." I tell her. Then her phone rings. It's Morgan. It's been 2 hours. They're probably already there and working on the case. It takes about 1 hour to fly there. Garcia puts it on speaker.

"Hey baby" greets Morgan.

"Hey sugar. What's up?"

"First, I know I should know this and it's a really stupid question but does Maddy know what AIDS stands for?"

"Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" I tell him.

"Okay. Unrelated question, but how do you learn half of this stuff?" Morgan asks.

"Well, I learned this in the dictionary. It's was used as an example of an acronym. You've got to remember I'm also a doctor, I have to know this." I explain.

"Right, well, search people with AIDS in Little Rock, Arkansas. Then narrow it down to males between 18 and 40."

"Well, there's quite a few. I'll send it to you." Garcia tells Morgan.

"Alright. Thanks baby girl. Talk to you later." The conversation ends.

"I'm assuming Reid wasn't with him." Says Garcia.


"I'm going to grab some coffee. Want some?" Garcia asks me.

"Please. Thanks."

"Alright. You can pick up the phone or use the computers if necessary. I also need to grab a few papers and copy some things. I'll be back soon, I know you know how to do a lot of this stuff." She says then is out the door, probably not wanting to leave me to long.

A few minutes later, Morgan is calling again.

"Hey, this is Maddy. Garcia has to do a few things quick. But I can probably help you out." I say before he can greet me first.

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