Egging Houses

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As soon as I get to the park, Whore #2 hands me an egg. "Throw it at that house over there."
"What? No! This is worse than it would've been if we were doing drugs!"
"Fine, you can just watch us then." Whore #2 said, taking the egg from me as she, Lana and Jamie start throwing eggs at people's houses, but soon, the same girl I called a whore comes outside.
"(Whore #1's name)?!" Whore #2 gasped.
"Oh my goodness! We are so sorry!" Whore #3 exclaimed.
"Yeah right... This was probably planned. Now get out now before I call the cops!"
"Listen (Whore #1's name), I didn't have any part in this. It was just those 3 drunk asses." I explained.
"How am I supposed to believe that?" She asked.
"Uh... Because it's the truth?"
"Let's just go (My name)." Whore #3 said as she, Whore #4 and I start to walk away, but then stop when we see Whore #2 and Whore #1 still arguing.
"Seriously (Whore #2's name)?" Jamie said.
"What?" Whore #2 responded.
"You're going to get us in trouble!"
"Correct!" Whore #1 said. "So I would listen to your little girlfriends if I were you, whore! Does that sound familiar (My name)?"
"Sorry I'm honest." I said.
"Yeah, totally not like you just lied about egging my house."
"There's a camera up there for a reason you whore!"
"Okay, so if I look at the footage, I won't see you doing anything, right?"
"Right." I said as she goes inside to look over the footage, but soon, a cop arrives. "Hello ladies." He said. "I got a call that you girls were egging people's houses. Is this true?"
"What?" Whore #2 exclaimed as she bursted into hysteric laughter. "No way! We would NEVER do such a thing, right innocent squad?"
"Yes they were. There's a camera up there. Ask the girl living in that house to show you the footage, and you'll see that I had no part in it." I said as the cop knocks on Whore #1's door. "Ma'am, can I see the footage of them egging your house?" He asked her.
"Absolutely! Come on in." She said, inviting him inside.
Soon, the cop comes back outside. "Alright, so I looked over the footage and saw that you are completely innocent." He said to me as he turned to the whore squad. "But you 3 are going to jail."
"What?" Whore #3 exclaimed.
"You heard me."
"But I hardly had part in it either." She complained.
"Don't lie! I saw the footage! Now put your hands behind your back before I do it for you!" He yelled.
"You'll never take me alive old man!" Whore #2 said as she and the rest of the whore squad start running away, but then the cop grabs Whore #3's hands and yanks them behind her back aggressively. "You can't get away from me that easily kiddos!" The cop said as he dragged Whore #3 to the car, but then he sees that the rest of the whore squad had gotten away. "Shit!" He whispered as he called more cops to go after them. "Okay, well I had a good stay," I lied, "But I'm getting the fuck out of here now!"
"Good idea." The cop responded as I leave, but as soon as I get home, my brother comes downstairs. "Where were you?" He asked.
"Uh... School? Why didn't you go?"
"Don't even lie! I know you got suspended."
"Why do you care so much?"
"Mom wouldn't stop sending me texts freaking out because you wouldn't answer your phone while I was trying to play video games with my friends."
"Well tell her they cut my suspension short."
"Fine, but only if you tell me where you really were."
"Because I wanna know."
"Why? So you can rat me out to her behind my back?"
"I won't rat you out."
"Oh, and how am I supposed to know that?"
"If you tell me, I'll tell her your phone was just dead."
"Fine." I sighed. "I was out with my friends."
"Cool. Bye!" He said as he went up the stairs.
"Wait!" I called as he stopped. "You promise you'll tell her my phone was dead?"
"When have I ever lied to you?"
"What kind of question is that? All the time!"
"Well that was then and this is now."
"Fine." I sighed as we went upstairs to our rooms, but then soon, my mom comes home and storms into my room. "What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I know you snuck out of the house today!" She yelled.
"What are you talking about? My phone was dead." I lied.
"Really? Because that's not what your brother told me!"
"Fuck what he says! It's a lie." I lied again.
"Oh, and I'm supposed to believe YOU who's literally notorious for lying?"
"When was the last time I lied?"
"You're lying right now!" But then my stepdad storms up the stairs. "Will you guys be quiet? I'm trying to watch my game!"
"Watch your game somewhere else then if it bothers you so much, because this is MY house! I can be as loud as I want!
"Fine, but don't cry when you get taken away from your kids by the police."
"You'd better not call the cops!" My mom yelled.
"I won't, but I can't promise that the neighbours won't." He said as he goes back downstairs.

Grounded For LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora