Broken Leg

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Soon, a cop arrives.
"Okay, first of all, if you don't cut it out with the yelling, I am gonna have to take you to prison because I got over 50 complaints in less than 10 minutes, and second, what were you doing on that guy's car?" He asked, but then a girl from my school rushes outside.
"Did you have any part in this?" The cop asked as I turned to her.
"Where the fuck did you come from?"
"I was just coming to make sure you were okay." She responded.
"Oh wow! Thanks for caring for once, but no, I'm not okay. I think that little bastard broke my leg!"
"Well maybe if you weren't sitting on his car, none of this would've happened." The cop said, but then he stops and looks at me for a moment. "Wait a minute! Are you that same little ass kid I caught doing this exact same thing a couple years ago?" He asks.
"Not at all..."
"Yes you are!"
"Why did you ask then if you already knew I was?"
"Get in my car!"
"My leg is broken."
"Look..." The cop sighs. "I am going to be generous and let you free again, but this will be the last time! Next time I see you do it, you're going straight to jail!" The cop said as he picked me up and put me into the back of his car.
"Let me guess. You're suspended again?"
"Why am I not surprised about that? Alright, where am I going?" He asked as I told him my house address, so he starts his car up and drives me home.
"Yeah, it'd better, or Adam Cuntier will have HELL to pay!"
"Wait, did you say Adam Gontier?"
"Nope, I said Adam Cuntier!"
"I know him. He's my cousin!"
"And my prayers officially go out to you."
"Why? He's a great guy."
"First of all, he's not a guy, and second, I don't know if you remember this, but he kind of broke my fucking leg!"
"Yeah, because you wouldn't get off his car, and if I'm being honest with you right now, I'm kind of starting to wish he did worse, so keep up the attitude and I'm starting this car back up and taking you to jail!" The cop yelled as he called my mom. "Wait! How do you know my mom's phone number?"
"There were missing posters all over the place for you that had her number on it." The cop said as my mom picked up. "Did you find her?"
"Yes, but you're gonna have to come get her because her leg is broken."
"Perfect! Thank you so much!" My mom said as she comes outside and takes me in.

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