The Plan

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Nick and Katie have us sitting in the living room, as they are trying to explain where Branden is, Matt and I just look at each other, as their story gets more and more farfetched.

Suddenly the door opens up and Branden walks in. "I'm back."

"Branden?" I say, hopping over the couch and looking at him. "Where were you?"

"Wanted to get some air." He says. "Talked with an old friend."

"You went to talk with him?" Matt asks. "Are you insane?"

"No." He says. "They are." Branden points to Katie and Nick. "They told me to go talk to him before I had a chance to ask what everyone else thought."

"You didn't have to listen to them." Matt says. "You are kinda in charge here."

"Which is why I went. I realized there was more to it then just leaving and not telling you. It was also that I was taking a risk for all of you. A risk that I could handle alone." Branden says. "He wants to help."

"Do you believe him?" Nick asks.

"Until I have proof otherwise. He hasn't exactly shown much support for Frost, but I still have the memory of being stabbed in the back fresh in my mind, so I'm gonna keep him at arms length. That said he also knows this place as well as I do, so we're gonna put our heads together and figure out where to take you all. Get you out of harms way, because from what he told me, he's assembling an army here. I'm not letting that happen, and I'm not letting you guys get in the way."

"That's not fair." I say. "What's the point in supporting you if you won't let us fight."

"Why train me if I can't help?" Katie chimes in.

"Knock it off, both of you." Branden says, raising his voice. "Look at the bigger picture. You both aren't ready to fight an army, an army I might add, that controls dinos and laser weaponry."

"And you are?" Nick says.

"Out of everyone here in this very room, Katie and I are the only ones to kill anything in this time period. But I'm the only one to kill people before." Branden says. "I won't hesitate, and Rex won't either. But Katie, can you say the same?" Katie goes silent. "Nick, can you honestly tell me that you'll take a life, no hesitation?" Nick doesn't say anything either. "Matt?" Again, silence. "Somer?"

"If it means stopping my father, then yes I will." I say.

"Nice try." He says. "This isn't like how it was with your father's bodyguards, who were expecting you to take them down. These men will be actually trying to kill you, and a moment's worth of hesitation, and your laying on the ground, Dino food." He takes a breath. "Out of all of you, Katie is the only person I've even considered bringing with me to the front, but the reason she isn't, is because I trust her to keep you all protected should I fail." He looks behind him. "I'm going to attack the base tomorrow with Daniel. You all will be safely away from all the fighting, and win or lose, you will not move until I come tell you, or Katie feels like you should go deeper into the forest. You remember how far in to go right?"

"Five to ten feet." She answers.

"Branden?" I say, and he looks at me. "What if there was a way to beat him without all the killing?"

"Got an idea?" He asks.

"I could take you back as a fake prisoner and we could take them down from the inside." I say. "You train me, and get me ready to kill and the three of us takes out the whole base."

Branden takes a moment like he's actually considering my idea. Finally he sighs. "Katie, come with me, I'm going to need your help on this. Matt, take Nick back through the portal, wait for me to give the all clear. We'll wait for Daniel to come tomorrow and run it by him."

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