The Meeting

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I sigh and sit on the makeshift bed I made. I look around, never really paying much attention to my little shack, mostly made out of wood now, and smile. I made this, and I had no one's help. I get up, headset on my neck and walk to my weapon rack. I have a metal pike, a sword, a compound bow with 60 arrows, and even more tools than weapons like a metal pickaxe and hatchet. I grab the pike and sword and place them in their holsters, on my back and left hip respectively. Then I walk outside the shack, where I see my Dire wolf, Rex. He barks at me and I pet his head. Even while sitting down, Rex's head is at my own chest. He licks my face and I grin, then wonder what I should do with all of my animals. If this really is the last time I'm here in the prehistoric times, maybe I should release them. They do get along though, even the Spinosaurus and the T-Rex, which was hard enough on its own. My main concern though, was Ace, my newest addition. He's taller than most skyscrapers, let alone dinosaurs. I have him flying above the clouds and out of sight, just in case of emergencies, but I have called him back down to feed him. I don't want to bring him down alone, in fear of making the dinosaurs extinct earlier than they should be. While I'm pondering this, Rex nibbles on my hand to get my attention.

"What is it, boy?" I ask him. Rex barks then turns in a direction, where I hear the faintest snap of a twig. I quickly turn, pulling out my metal pike. "Get ready, boy." Of everything that I was expecting, a raptor, maybe even a massive bear, or even a baby dinosaur, I was not expecting to see the face of a girl walk through the dense forest. Rex growls, causing her to trip. I move and manage to catch her before she face plants in the mud. "Rex, sit!"

I look at the girl, and she's still holding her breath. I chuckle a bit, as I help the familiar girl up and tap on her shoulder. "Am I dead?"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but no. You're safe." I answer. "So, Somer, what are you doing here?"

"Huh?" The girl asks. "Where's my dad at?"

"Whose your Dad?" I ask. "Actually, what time period are you from?"

"I'm from 2239, now help me, where's my Dad?" The girl asks me. I look at her, stunned. "Well?"

"Where did you get separated at?" I ask her. "I'll help you track him down."

"This way." Somer answers, then pulls me by the arm. She comes up to my chest in height, and her brown hair falls past her shoulders, coming almost a quarter of the way down her back. She has on a scientist lab coat on, and under it I see an orange hoodie and a pair of jeans. While I'm looking her over, she stops moving and I almost collide with her. I turn and see Rex decided not to follow us, so I'm going solo on tracking down Somer's father. I look around the area, and find a trail of footprints in the dirt.

"They went this way." I say, slowly walking down the path. "Stay close to me."

"Okay, as long as I get back to my Dad." Somer answers. We keep walking for a while, and either boredom or the awkward silence finally gets to the girl. "So, what have you been up to since I saw you last?"

"Ladies first." I answer, quickly glancing at her over my shoulder then back to the footprints.

"Training, finding out information. You know, the usual stuff." She answers.

I chuckle. "I've been keeping my head down, just finished a recent adventure that started in the desert and finished in a cave."

"An adventure? And I wasn't brought along?" Somer asks, looking shocked. "That's pretty mean."

"I guess so, but I couldn't just come get you." I say, sounding a bit sarcastic. I stop, and put my hand on Somer's chest to place her on a tree. I listen for a second and hear a log snap. "Somer, if I'm right your dad should be right through that brush. When I tell you to go, I want you to sprint there and don't look back, no matter what you hear, okay?"

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