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Faith's POV

When I open my eyes, I see white. White everywhere, the walls, the ceiling. I blink my eyes a little, in order to possibly make more sense of where the hell I am. It's fuzzy at first, but eventually, my eyes adjust to the sudden light, and I see... Emmi?

"Faith!" She squeals, and I wince. "You're awake! She's finally up, Mommy!"

I close my eyes shut again, squeezing them tight. Where am I? Why is Emmi here?

"Emmi!" Another voice says, in a harsh whisper. Avia. "Shut up."

"Avia." I hear Shay scold, and I'm even more confused.

"Faith? Honey, hi." I hear yet another voice, which I soon recognize as Colette's.

"Hi." My voice is groggy as I open my eyes again. I try to sit up, but fail, and fall back down again. There's an IV in my hand, and a thing in my nose. It takes a few minutes, but I soon come to realize that I'm in a hospital, but why?

"How are you feeling?" I look to see Shay talking to me, and I shrug weakly. "That's what I thought." He laughs.

"Why am I in a hospital?" I ask.

"Um..-" Colette started, but was cut off by a nure coming into the room. "We'll be back soon."

The nurse comes up to my bedside, pushing buttons on a machine. "Hello." She says to me with a small smile. I smile back, small of course. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay." I say. "I mean, I just woke up and no one's telling me why I'm here." I mumble, and I'm thankful that she didn't hear.

"Well, you suffered quite a blow to the head, it's a miracle you're alright." She says, and I just start to notice the bandage on my head.

What happened to me?

She leaves once taking the thing out of my nose, after I assure her that I can breath. She tells me from the door that she'll be letting the Butlers in.

"Hi." Colette waves as she approaches my bed, leaving the others in the waiting room. "We were really worried about you."

"What happened?" I ask, genuinely confused. "All I remember is walking to the bus stop from your house."

Colette sighs, looking towards the window, which is filled with darkness. It must be late. "You were hit by a car." She finally says, and I feel my face go pale. "You, um, you were in a coma for a week and a half. They thought you wouldn't make it." She says, close to tears, and I feel myself almost cry, too. How? "We thought we were going to lose you. They um, they condemmed your house, it wasn't in good shape. And um, your Mom's in jail. They revoked her custody."

"Oh." I whisper, looking to the window again. I have no hope left. Everything from my life is gone. The searched through my files and found out that I was living on my own, a minor, nonetheless.

"Yeah." She says, barely audible. "It was hard. But at least you're okay now."

"Yeah." I say. "I'm okay."

"The girls want to talk to you." Colette chuckles, looking towards the window in the door, the girls' faces poking through. "I'll let them in."

I nod, and Colette leaves, opening the door for the girls to come in. "Hi." I smile small, my voice still pretty weak.

"Faith." Avia whispers, as if this is all a dream.

"Faith!" Emmi says, quite a bit louder than her big sister, walking over to the bed and sitting on the end.

"We thought we were gonna have to let you die." Avia says, her eyes filling with tears. "The doctors, th-they said that they'd have to take away your breathing machine if you didn't wake up by tomorrow."

"Come here." I whisper, holding my arms out to the best of my ability. Avia walks over and sinks into my embrace. "I'm okay. See, Av? I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." Avia cries into my shoulder until she calms down. The girls tell me about their stay here, about everything and anything. Avia supposedly told them that I needed the pink cast on my leg, because she thought I'd like it. Even though pink is not the most amazing color in my opinion, I thanked her anyway. It's the thought that counts, right?

"Mommy and Daddy want to talk to you." Emmi says after a while. "About your Mommy. She didnt come to visit you, that's mean, isn't it?"

I feel myself tense up at her words, thinking back to what Colette said minutes ago. Where am I supposed to stay? I know that I figured life out on my own plenty of times while my mother was out in rehabilitation centers, but it's different this time for some reason. I'm actualy scared. "Um, okay." I say, coming out of my thinking state. "Tell them to come in."

"Okay." The girls nod, walking back out and letting Shay and Colette know they can come in. The girls sit in the waiting room while they walk in, stiing in two chairs next to me.

"You're a trooper." Shay says first, patting my knee. "A real trooper."

"Where am I going to go?" I blurt, mentally face plaming. I shouldn't have asked that.

"Well, that's what we need to talk about." Colette says softly, placing her hand on mine. "Why didn't you tell us?"

I didn't need to think twice to know she was talking about my mom. "I don't know." I said softly. "I guess I didn't want your pity."

"We wouldn't give pity." Shay gasps. "We'd try to help, give you a place to stay. You can trust us, Faith. You know that."

"I know." I sigh, looking down at my hands, and I search for the truth behind those words. "I know."

Colette sighs, moving closer to me, and I feel myelf start to cry.

"I'm scared. I'm never scared." I admit, leaning into Colette's arm. "I don't have a place to go."

"Sure you do." Shay laughs in disbelief. Does he know a place? "With us."

"No." I say immediately. "No, I can't do that to you." Is he serious? I can't just intrude on their lives on that.

"Faith." Colette laughs. "You're at our house practically every day. You're like our sixth kid."

"Fine." I say after a while. Partly because I don't like arguing, and partly because I think I wouldn't mind living with the Butlers. "What about my Mom? If she's in jail, and has no custody, who's supposed to be my parents?"

"Us." Shay shrugs simply, and I see Colette biting back a smirk.

"Wait." I say, my face staring to curl up at the ends. "You didn't." I gasp.

"We did." Colette smiled big, and I feel myself doing the same. "Welcome to the family. Day one of being a Butler, down."

"You guys are insane." I whisper, laughing a little. I don't know how I'm so excited over this, a minute ago I was saying that I didn't want to stay at their house.

"You love us." Shay laughs.

"I guess." I smirk. "Do the kids know?"

"Um, the boys do. The girls, on the other hand, no." Shay says, quickly glancing to the girls, who are sitting at the table in the waiting room, playing a game of Candy Land. "We wanted it to be a surprise when you woke up."

"Well." I say, a smile gracing my face. "I'm awake."

The laugh and slowly walk out of the room, and I don't miss the smiles etched onto their faces when they get the news. Avia looks like she's in shock at first, but soon smiles like Emmi, joining her as they prance around the waiting room. Shay turns and gives me a quick thumbs up, to which I return.

A new start.


Love me yet?

You better.

Read my new story, 'Fix This World'? Please? xx


The Butler's Babysitter |Shaytards|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt