Another Random Chapter pt.2:

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"YEEHAW!" Pedro yells in the background.
Meanwhile Peppa and Teddy were sipping on some tea. "Would you loike some kookies with your tea?" She asks.

Teddy doesn't respond back, as usual. Peppo's bright face suddenly turns into boredom. She sighs and backs up onto her seat. "Smh, why can't Teddy just become alive for a second." She whines.

Suddenly! *gasp* A bright light comes out the sky and onto Pepsi's face. "Dear sweet paper, your wish shall be granted. Butt- in 1 condomtion." Says the strange light.

Papier looks up at the sky. "I'm confusion.." *AmErIcA eXpLaIn*  The voice *sighz* and speaks, "You stupid bitch- YOUR TEDDY WILL COME ALIVE BUT FOR A CONDITION."

"OHH! Really!?"


"What's the condition!?" Paper asks.
"Well, I'll take Pedroom in exchange for your teddy's aliveness."

Pepper thinks for 2 seconds and finally responds, "Okay you can take him. His breath smells like trash anyways."

In a whoosh of magic, Pedroom disappears and so does the light. Peppapink turns to Teddy with a beeg smile on her face. "So... hello Ms.Teddy." Still no response.

Peppa becomes mad. "I just GOT SCAMMED! MOTHERF-"

"Woah there. I suddenly pheel alive." A strang voice says. "Who said that!?" Peppa wonders.

"Dumb bitch. It's I, Teddy speaking."
Peppa gasps and oinks in joy. "Omo! *Oink* Teddy! You've finally *oink* spoken!" She grasps onto Teddy tight. "Bruh.. your breath stank. Let me go!" Teddy complains.

Aye yo.. I'm lazy to write more so I'm gonna stop here for now. :3 ~Juan

My Sweet Dear, PeppaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang