Chapter Twice:

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It is a great sunny day outside. Pepper and her family are enjoying breakfast.

Just then Peedro looks up at Paper and realizes she looked quite sad. "Papar, are you okay?" He asks. Papi pig looks up at her caring husband. "Huh? Oh- I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She gives him a fake smile.

Pedroncelli smiles back at her and focuses back on eating. Some seconds later Daughter Pig walks in the dining room. She seemed really tired and stressed. Peppa quickly gets up and pours cereal for her daughter. "What happened honey? You seem tired." She says. Daughter Pig says nothing. She grabs the cereal bowl and heads to her room.

Pedrobe sighs and heads to his room to get ready for work. Peppar falls to the ground crying. "Oh dear, why is this happening." She sobs.

Just then a flash of light beams right in front of Paper's face. She looks up at the light, squinting her eyes. Suddenly she hears a voice coming from that light. "Oh my sweet dear, Peppa. Don't you cry in any case. Soon your worries will disappear without any trace."

In no time the light disappears in thin air, leaving Peppered in confusion.

~end of chapter Twice~

*Eye should be sleeping skkslsls*

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