"Good call, Lane's glaring at me," Beck agreed, looking embarrassed as Lane was making eye contact with him, with his eyebrow's raised.

"Let's get out of here," Jade said, not moving her gaze from Lane. Sure, she didn't mind breaking rules, but there were certain boundaries that should not be breached. Beck nodded, starting the engine before pulling out of the parking lot a little faster than necessary. Once Lane was out of eyesight, they both noticeably relaxed.

Beck let the radio play, and Jade didn't protest, instead checking her phone. Her mom was due home from her work trip to New York that afternoon, and she was awaiting news about when she wanted her and Beck to pick her up from the airport. But there was nothing, her only new message from her brother.

"Can you drop me at my house?" Jade asked. She figured she should probably make sure everything was tidy, and at least make it look like someone had actually been living there all summer. Not that her mom wouldn't know she spent most nights with Beck. Jade was stubborn, and she knew that trying to stop her would only result in a bigger push back.

Beck nodded, beginning the route he knew by heart. He wasn't exactly thrilled about her mother's return, having grown used to sharing a bed every night. But despite Jade's tough exterior, he could tell that she missed her family. Sure, he may not share a roof with his parents, but they were always right there when he needed them, and supported him fully. It was something he wanted her to have too.

Which was why, when they pulled up in her driveway, he was dismayed. For on the doorstep was Jade's six year old sister, a suitcase beside her, back from camp. Only she wasn't supposed to be back from camp til tomorrow, and Jade's mom was supposed to pick her up. Beck turned across to his girlfriend quizzically, who just shrugged.

"Wait here," she told him warily, before hopping out of the car and to her front door. He tried to protest, but she'd already shut the door and he though it'd be best to just obey.

Jade approached her sister in a march, but slowed when she saw that she was crying. Jade didn't love children, but she had always been good to her sister, knowing that if their parent's current situations were tough on her, it would be a hundred times worse for a six year old.

"Hey, Robin, what's up?" Jade asked softly, sitting down on the porch beside her. Robin, looked up, as if just noticing her older sister's presence. Jade wiped the tears from under her eyes, brushing her hair away so she could see her face. Beck watched this from the car, and couldn't help but smile. He had stepped in when Jade was being too hard on little kids for her slap videos before, but she was different now. He loved seeing the two of them together, one of the few people other than him able to unlock Jade's softer side.

"Mommy called the camp lady and said she wasn't coming home, so they could drop me back to you today. But I got here when you're usually back, and you weren't here. I thought you'd left me too," she choked out, and Jade wrapped her arm around her and pulled her into her side. She felt guilty, remembering why exactly she hadn't been home on time. But then she was confused, why the hell had her mom said she wasn't coming back.

She glanced over to Beck, who gestured to ask whether she wanted help. Jade nodded, and he got out of the car to perch on the porch on the other side of Robin. He too wrapped his arm around her, and the three of them sat there in a huddle for a moment. Beck, who had a much stronger ability to keep his cool, managed to get out of Robin that their mom had decided to stay in New York indefinitely for work.

"I'm gonna kill her," Jade mumbled, digging her nails into her palms. Ditching her was one thing, she was used to it. But ditching Robin with her, was straight up unacceptable. Jade was already screwed up, but there was hope for her sister yet.

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