Biff's Game

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Marty reached the 27th floor and was greeted by his mother. His mother ran up to him. Telling him that she was happy he was in her arms and that nothing could hurt him there. Biff arrived on the floor too and shouted, "McFly! Both of you, come to floor 29, we have a game for you runt."
Marty just had to follow, if Biff they didn't they would be killed so the pair went upstairs to meet Biff and his cronies. When they arrived, Marty was grabbed by 3D and sat down at a table. Lorraine quickly followed behind. Marty was sat at the table with Lorraine in the sofa next to him when Biff came in, ready to explain what was going on.
"So Martin McFly. We all know you like to drink." As he said that, a few servants came in, carrying a tray of full shot glasses each, which got placed on the table in front of Marty, "So I came up with a fun game the other day. Why don't we sit you down, and make you drink as much as your little body can handle, and maybe even more."
Marty looked scared, he had just been telling Jennifer about this and Lorraine was horrified, she had just worked out Biff's plan and knew that this was made to kill Marty.
"Look Biff, I can't drink all that, I've all ready drank a lot today."
"Well, that's just too bad. Come on Marty, time for shot number 1 of ... 47." Both Marty and Lorraine's eyes widened at that number and Biff's 'friends' made various different sounds no one understood. Marty reached over for the shot and downed it in one...
"Are they all tequila?" Marty asked.
"Yep." Biff said.
"But that will kill me."
"That's the point."

"Mum dad please listen to me." Jennifer said.
"That boy you were with, he causes trouble. Biff is a kind man. He gave us this house and our money." Her father said.
"Yeah, but his step son, is a piece of shit that should just be left, to drink himself to death. It's people like you dad, that are letting that happen, to him, to his mother, to everyone. But no, you live in luxury so no one else counts right. Your fucking dumb." Jennifer said, her eyes filling with tears.
"Get to your room now Jennifer Parker. We will speak to you tomorrow." Her father shouted pointing towards her room. She chucked the middle finger up at him and ran upstairs. She slammed her door and lay on her bed, crying her eyes out as she began thinking about everything she had been taking for granted like a home, food and a loving family. She fell into an uneasy sleep in which she had nightmares about Marty, and her own life changing to his overnight...

"Alright his mum can come to him now." Biff said. Lorraine ran over to her son who was crying. His throat burned and his stomach hurt. He was very drunk too. He couldn't even talk properly anymore.
"Come on McFly I thought you liked drinking." Biff said, pushing another tray towards him, "you've only done 21."
"Shut up," Lorraine said, holding her son, who was literally holding her arm like it was some kind of buoyancy aid, "he's 18, leave my son alone." And with that, Marty threw up into the bucket next to him.
"Alright McFly, next one."
Marty couldn't really do anything else but drink it. He felt so ill, his everything hurt. He couldn't take another shot on his own. And Biff knew that, and he already had an evil plan.
"So Lorraine, look at your son, look what he's become, an alcoholic, worse than you. Your baby Marty has drunk so much he can't speak properly, however, he is going to drink all of these, unless, you know, he dies. So, I have come up with a way to get them down him. You give them to him. I mean you may want to refuse, but if you do, not only will you be killed, Dave and Linda will be killed too. So here's the decision. You allow your baby to live, but your other children die with you, or, you sacrifice your baby and everyone apart from him lives. It's up to you." For a mother, that is the hardest thing to choose. Ever. However, Dave had a business and Linda had a family. What did Marty have? So she had to choose him. She had to feed him the shots, one by one. By 33, he was trying to speak but failing, but she could make out what he was saying. He was saying stop mum, it hurts, it really hurts. She kissed him on the forehead and looked at him in the eyes whilst stroking the back of his head.
"Darling," She said, "Why don't you go to sleep, it will make you feel better."
He nodded and she lined his face with her hand. He held his hand out for her to hold. She took it quickly, knowing this could be the last time that she sees him alive. He fell asleep, she continued stroking his face and running her fingers through his hair. Until she fell asleep herself.
She woke up at 5am, which wasn't usual for her. She rubbed Marty's hand and got no response, she brushed his face, no response, she shook him, no response. She began screaming for him, she knew he was gone, so she just held her youngest son in her arms, until Biff came in, when he was taken away by the doctors and all the journalists were at the door. Lorraine told them two things, that were both true, "he drank heavily before" and "it was Biff's game". I'll leave that up to you, reader, to guess which one got published.
He was buried later that day, next to his father, and that was the last of Marty McFly, the boy who could travel through time.

Jennifer got the morning news and was horrified. She didn't eat her breakfast, lunch, or dinner. She blamed her father. She thought that if her father had stopped working for Biff, he would be less rich meaning he would have less power. She went to his grave, it was next to where they had been sat the night before, she hadn't realised that she had been next to his fathers grave. She became a spokesperson against Biff, which never actually did anything, but brought awareness to the case, which got Lorraine sympathy for what she ended up doing.

Now we will talk about a man. A man who has been vacant this story. A man in a mental hospital. The mind behind the time machine. Doctor Emmett Brown. The newspaper got chucked to him every morning however he never read it, but this morning, the saw Marty on the front and had to read it. He read about his bad alcohol problem and couldn't believe what he was hearing. The newspapers published that he had been with friends and had drunk to much. However, Doc knew that wasn't right, he knew that Biff was a part in this. Marty had been his best friend, he had seen Marty have a drinking problem before, but that was when he was 47, with no job, both of his children were in jail and his marriage was almost over, so he knew, Marty could turn to alcohol, but only in an awful turn of events. However what made Doc most upset was that he knew he was the soul cause of this. Most would blame Marty, he shouldn't have bought the almanac, however, Doc though, I should never have invented the time machine, and so, for the rest of his life, Doc lived with the guilt of his best friends death. Which drove him actually insane. In the end, he died of natural causes, after Lorraine had done what she had done. Lorraine shot Biff. He had caused her too much pain, he had made her kill her own son, by force feeding him tequila shots until he could literally have no more. Blame who you want for this tragedy. But the only thing you should remember, is time should never be tampered with.

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