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Wake up, Lexa.

I didn't open my eyes. I think this is the first time that I've actually gotten some sleep since...since Cas died. The first actual sleep where I can't see Cas's death in my head. And I'm not going to let Venom ruin that.

Come on, Lexa. Wakey. Wakey.

I ignored Venom again as I snuggled closer against the pillow. I felt movement as something pulled me closer to it. I put my arm up and wrapped it around the person. Maybe Dean finally decided to sleep and let Sam drive.

That's not Dean you're sleeping on. He's still driving up front.

Then what the hell am I sleeping on?

The devil's kid.

Really, Venom? You're going to wake me up because I'm sleeping next to Jack. You've seen Jack. He's completely harmless.

For now.

Look, if a demon decides to raise a knife on me while I'm sleeping then you have my permission to wake my body and kick some ass. But for now, I'm sleeping. And you can't have a healthy host if I die from lack of sleep. Let's see how my dad likes it. Go ahead.

Using the old man against me. You know Eddie would kill me if I hurt his only kid. Fine. At least listen to the meatheads.

If it'll get you to shut up and let me sleep.

"Come on, man. You know how this plays out," I heard Dean. "Look, when we try to bend the rules, pretend that the bad guys aren't so bad or that things will get fixed, that's when people that we care about get hurt. And then we end up doing what we should've done in the first place, which is end the problem. So this time, let's start with the obvious. Soon as I find a way to take care of...It."

Sam's shaking his head.

"Dean, 'the problem' might be our only shot at saving Mom," Sam said.

Dean's giving Sam a look. The ones you give me when you don't like an idea.

"Mom's gone," Dean continued. "There's no fixing that." Now Dean is looking at you spooning the Nephilim. "And we need to keep Lexa away from him. The kid's been doing nothing but stare at her. Now, look at him."

"Dean, we can't tell Lexa what to do without Venom throwing us across the room," Sam stated. He's looking at you two now. "Jack's seen him back at the cell. He's probably curious. Remember when we met Venom. We had no idea what he could do. And if he's Lexa's guardian then I know he's doing everything he can to protect her."

Ahh, I knew I like Sam for a reason.

No, you didn't.

Dean scoffed. "And you think Venom is capable of defending her from Satan spawn?"

"Yeah, I do," Sam confessed. "And Venom hasn't threatened Jack once since we got here."

"Yet. Venom needs a reason."

"Ok, like when you were about to steal Lexa's burgers but he almost bit your hand off."

"Exactly. If Venom was about to bite my hand off for a piece of meat, then I'm positive that he'll kill Jack first chance he gets."

Squirrel is right. Jack might be the innocent angel you know but the first chance of him being evil, I'll rip his head apart and leave his body in the corner for the angels to find.

You're not going to hurt Jack.

We'll see.


I had to pretend to be asleep until I felt Sam shake my shoulder. He told us we arrived at a motel because Dean was starting to fall asleep. Jack looked confused when I pulled away from him when we woke up. I tried not to blush because I found his confused look adorable. So I walked behind the guys while Venom decided to play lookout. At least he could tell us if there's demon's near.

"This is a bad idea. We should've just kept driving," Dean whined as we walked towards our room.

"Dude..." Sam scoffed, "you were hallucinating sheep on the road. We need a few hours."

"Maybe you guys," I said. I sighed as I grabbed my stomach. "Venom said he's hungry."

Dean gave me a look while he opened the room door. "Again? You guys just ate an hour ago."

"Well, excuse me for my massive appetite."

Dean patted his pockets before he tossed me something. "Here, have a candy bar for now."

"Gee, thanks," I said sarcastically as we entered the small room.

"This is nice," Jack commented. He smiled as he took in the place.

A lot better than Eddie's apartment when he and your mom split. And no demons here.

"Place is demon-free," I said as I placed my bag on the couch. Jack went over and sat on one of the three beds.

Sam nodded as he said, "Good. Let's ward the room, get Venom something to eat," Or someone, "get a few hours of sleep, hit the road first thing."

He turned on the TV and Scooby-Doo started playing. Jack started to smile as he watched Shaggy and Scooby ride the log down the snow.

"It's...wonderful," Jack smiled. I couldn't help but smile at the innocence. But Dean had to walk over and ruin it.

"Hey. No," he told Jack.

Jack's smile faltered. "But..."

He grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. "No." Then he motioned to the couch. "And you're on the couch, sport."

I felt Venom's tendril come out my hand as I slapped Dean behind the head. "Don't be an asshole. There's three beds here."

"And in case you haven't noticed, there's four of us." Dean grabbed the bible from the nightstand and threw it on the couch. "So, he can read a book. We're out of here in a few hours."

"Then I can take the couch," I argued.

"No way in hell," Dean said.

I gave him an annoyed look. "Then Jack can share the same bed with me."

"So he could stare at you while you sleep? I don't think so."

"Then I can sleep in the car. It's not that big of a deal."

We've slept through worst.

Jack shook his head as he sat down and grabbed the bible. "No, no. It's fine."

Dean gave me a look that says that Jack's ok with it. Well, I'm not. Dean's been a total jerk to Jack since day one. I glared at him before I went over and sat down next to Jack. Jack gave me a confused look.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I was hoping you'd read to me." Dean rolled his eyes. "If you can't have the bed then I'm not sleeping."

Venom's head slithered its way out my back and stuck his tongue out at Dean.

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