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Fuck. That had gone drastically wrong. The kids looked at me uncomfortably after Pippa had stormed off to our bedroom. We'd talked a bit about getting married and she'd mentioned she didn't want it to be because of the custody dispute. I'd assured her it wouldn't be. That I loved her. I thought that was enough.

I chugged back some wine as we continued to eat in silence. Joey and Elliott weren't sure what to say so they were just quiet, stealing glances at each other. It didn't escape me that they were having googly eyes for each other again.

After about five minutes, I wiped my mouth with a napkin and stood up. "Can you watch the kids for a minute?" I asked Joey and Elliott. "I'll be right back."

They nodded and I walked down the hallway to the master bedroom we shared. Pippa was laying on her side, staring off at the wall. I climbed onto the bed behind her, spooning up against her. I just held her for a few minutes. Her body felt tense.

"Sorry if I threw you off," I told her softly after a couple minutes.

"Lin, I told you," she said. "I don't want to get married because of the custody hearings. You're only doing it because of what the lawyer said."

"I'm not," I assured her. "I asked you to marry me because I love you. I can't live without you, Pippa."

"Lin, we've only been together for four months," she reminded me.

"That's all it's taken to convince me," I told her, pressing a kiss to her neck. Pippa was everything I ever wanted or needed. She was beautiful, talented, sweet, and a wonderful mother.

"I don't think we're ready," she told me bluntly, turning onto her back. I let my hand rest on her belly, my head propped up in my other hand.

"Why's that?" I asked gently, watching her closely.

She let out a little exasperated sound and closed her eyes. "Lin, I'd like to be with someone more than a few months before marrying him."

"We've known each other for years now," I pointed out, letting my hand rub at her belly.

"Yes, but that's not the same," she said, letting her hand caress my cheek gently. I gently took her hand and brought it to my mouth, pressing a kiss to her delicate fingers.

"You know me," I said softly. "I love you. That's all that matters."

"So why do we need a ring to prove it?" she pointed out. I smirked and leaned down to kiss her slowly. I was completely head over heals for this gorgeous woman.

We kissed for several minutes before we began to hear loud noises from the table. We both laughed as we pulled apart. I kissed the tip of her nose, then her forehead before pushing myself up. I took her hands and pulled her up to standing. Together, we made our way back down the hallway to join our not-so-little family.

As we reached the table, holding hands, we both smiled at the sight in front of us. Our two teenagers, laughing, sides of their heads together. Alex had a green bean balanced on her upper lip, her arms crossed as she made a goofy face for her baby brother. Jack cackled at his big sister, his eyes sparkling. I kissed Pippa on her head and squeezed her hand.

We weren't sure how the custody dispute would work out, but we would always have Alex and Jack in some capacity. Our teenage lovebirds may or may not end up together. I thought we'd get married someday, and maybe even have a couple kids of our own. For now, though, this was enough. Our piecemeal family of six, dysfunctional but happy.

PS. There will be an epilogue. And perhaps a sequel. Ideas?
Thanks for reading!!!

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