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A/N: off to Florida for 5 days! I won't have time to write but I have a few chapters of various stories saved up so I'll post 1-2 a day. This story's winding down! Two more chapters to go! In other news I don't really like Lin's new haircut. Thought he was growing out his manbun and sad it got chopped.

I didn't feel completely like shit anymore, which was definitely a positive.  In fact, I was feeling much better.  I was still sleeping a lot, but my body was aching less and I had more energy.  I understood that Dad didn't want me doing extracurriculars right now, but I wasn't sure why he didn't think I could handle school.  He underestimated me.

I was pissed at Elliott.  He'd snitched on me to my dad and I'd been caught.  On the way to school the next morning, I confronted him as we rode the subway together.

"Why'd you have to snitch on me?" I asked him pointedly as we were jarred around.

"Joey, you're still sick," he told me.  "You're gonna get worse if you try to go at it full-force already."

"I think I know my body better than you do," I countered.  "I might still be kind of tired but I could make it through a whole school day.  I'd have to take a nap when I got home but I could do it."

"You need to listen to your Dad," he said.  "He's looking out for what's best for you."

I rolled my eyes at him.  "You sound like an adult."

"Thank you," he smiled at me.

"It wasn't a compliment," I told him, then looked away. We got off at the next stop and stepped into Hunter College High School.  Everyone was rushing around, trying to get ready for the school day to begin.  Minds were on tests, projects, boyfriends, girlfriends, drama, you name it.  I sighed and went to my locker.

Things were going well until third period.  All of a sudden my tiredness hit me like a wall.  I was struggling to keep myself awake.  I really needed a 5-Hour Energy but the doctor had told me to stop.  I was trying to be good about it.

Finally it was lunch time and I got a little break.  I got my tray and plopped down at a table.  Usually Elliott didn't eat with me anymore, but he walked over and sat across from me.

"You don't look good," he told me.

"You know a way to a woman's heart," I deadpanned, rubbing at my forehead.

"You should go home," he told me as he opened his milk carton.

"I've got one more class," I reminded him.

"Seriously, you look like shit," he said.

"Elliott, I can get through a half day," I groaned, looking at him.  Before it even registered, he'd snapped a picture of me with his phone.  "What are you doing?"

"Texting this picture to your dad," he said, his thumbs working.  I lunged for it but he easily dodged me.

"You're such an ass!" I told him as he put his phone on the lunch table and bit into his sandwich.  I hadn't touched my food yet.  I was feeling kind of nauseous, honestly.

Moments later, my phone buzzed and I rolled my eyes, taking it out of my pocket.  Dad.

Sweetheart, I think you should head home early.  Elliott texted me.

I'm fine.

My phone buzzed and Dad's caller ID came up.  I groaned and answered it.

"Dad, I only have one period left," I told him immediately.

"You look like shit," he said.  "I'll come get you."

I guess I didn't realize how tired and horrible I really felt.  I conceded reluctantly and Elliott walked me to the nurse's office, where she had me lay down.  She'd been alerted about my condition and had urged me to come rest if I needed to.  Elliott stayed with me for a few minutes, holding my hand, until the nurse urged him to get back to lunch.

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