5: Valentine's Day

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Shocker, after realising I've been saying "brunette" (my last update), I've actually gotten annoyed at myself for doing it. From now on I will be saying "raven" just for the sake of being accurate.

Kara's bright blue eyes managed to glow even brighter when she heard a knock at the door. Using her x-ray vision, she leaped off of the sofa and skipped to the front door.

"A parcel for Miss... Danvers." A middle aged man stared down at the stamp marked on a large cardboard box, not bothering to look up as he spoke. Kara grinned and took the large box and the two bouquets of flowers.
"Thank you!" She enthusiastically said before closing the door and rushing back to the living room area.

Already, there were vases of flowers everywhere. Additionally, she had thrown some rose petals leading from the door to the couch. She placed the bouquets into the last empty vase and ripped open the box. Inside contained a giant, and fluffy, teddy bear. As she pulled it out, it was holding a big red heart with 'Lena and Kara' sewn delicately into it. She squeezed in excitement as she placed the plush bear in the centre of the sofa.

Just in time, the door unlocked and Kara turned swiftly around to see a very surprised Lena. She was wearing a fashionable office attire with a beige coat and black heels. Her hair was tied back into a tight ponytail and swayed slightly as she moved forwards.
"Kara!" She breathed out, her eyebrows raised as she was still in shock. "You didn't have to do this."

"Of course I did." Kara quickly raced up to Lena and enveloped her into a tight hug.
"It's Valentine's day!" Her voice was muffled as she buried her head into Lena's neck, but Lena heard it and melted into the embrace. Just as she began to close her eyes, enjoying the warmth, Kara pulled away and rushed eagerly towards the sofa. Her hand pointing to the teddy bear. "This is the best bit."

Lena furrowed her brows and slowly walked toward her girlfriend, peering over the arm rest to see the cream bear. Her knees practically gave in as she collapsed onto the sofa and picked the bear up. She stretched her arms out, inspecting it with a wide smile. A smile that only Kara ever saw.

The kryptonian sat beside the raven-haired woman and entwined her hands on her lap. "So, do you like it?" She eagerly asked, and when Lena didn't answer in a matter of a second, Kara frowned. "Oh no, you don't-"

Lena immediately turned her head to the side, staring with worry at the blonde. Worried that she had hurt her.
"No Kara, I love it." Lena blurted out, placing the bear on her lap and holding Kara's head in her hands. Gently, she leaned in and pecked her soft lips, pulling back with a soft smile. "It's perfect, thank you."

Kara's face lit up once again and she placed her hands on Lena's hips, leaning in for another kiss. With that, the kiss deepened and they were laying on the sofa, Kara on top.

"You are the best girlfriend I could ever ask for." Lena muttered, gazing into Kara's gleaming eyes. For a moment, the blonde hesitated and just gazed back into kryptonite green eyes, flustered. Lena seized the moment and flipped the pair over, looking triumphantly down at the shocked Kara.
"Hey, you tricked me." Kara pouted. Lena could only smirk and make a remark back.
"I'm sneaky, you should watch out."

The two spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the sofa, watching crappy rom coms. Kara seemed to enjoy them, but Lena was smiling at her happy girlfriend rather than the TV.

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