Katsuki and yourself both agreed camp may just be too tiring and you that you needed to focus on improving but that didn't mean you didn't steal the odd kiss. You ran/jogged passed the group failed with Aizawa in the form of a cheetah your poor body ached as you over heard him but they looked worst, as they tried to focus. Aizawa was literally holding Kirishima up by his scarves.

"Think why you're more tired than the others and why you need to improve here!" Aizawa was holding no punches. As he commented on Ochacho and Aoyama on only just passing the exam as his eyes turned to you. "(l/n) I feel you're ready for the next step!" he smirked at you as you transformed to your normal form on the floor "I don't understand I'm soo tired and I've not practised hand to hand." you groan "Your hand to hand is fine. What if you need to move people on your back or be a smaller size quickly? Your quirk although cute is very powerful. Now I want you to turn into two different cats one after the other now you don't scream in pain anymore!" he smirked still holding Kirishima.

One of the wild, wild pussy cats was there as well the one named Ragdoll. To be honest at first you hadn't liked them but now you had more respect and they were constantly asking you questions about being a cat. "Sir I think you're a sadist!" you groan as the binds went from Kirishima's head to your body. "Yeh well maybe you should quit whining. I don't see that hot head boyfriend of yours complaining are you weaker than him! I know that his girlfriend can't be weak" your teachers voice scares you as you look at the ash blonde taking a breath.

As you were released he turned to the group "Don't lose focus each of you can move faster and no matter what you're doing, just remember where you started from. Don't forget who you were before U.A. Always keep in mind why your sweating and why your limits keep getting tested, that's what it means to improve." you stopped looking around to those closest to you who stopped for a second.

Midoryia who you knew had one hell of a story to tell as according to Katsuki he was quirkless before U.A or hide it. Then there was Todoroki whose father was Endeavour who only thought of his son as a tool to get above All Might, whose own mother placed a scar upon his face. Lastly there was Katsuki Bakugou, he was coming from always being the strongest in middle school to being one of the strongest in high school a title he had never had to compete with.

Then there was yourself, you had moved across the world to a new place. Been attacked and targeted by a villain who felt you were their property. You had met a boy that you would do anything for even risk your own life and the reason you chose U.A but also chose to become a hero was from the day you smelt that curious scent leading you to a boy who had been attacked by a slime monster.

This made you smile as you remembered why you were here as you glanced towards the ash blonde you knew his reasons weren't anything to do with you but yours were. Would you even be here if you hadn't met him? Would you have been taken by villains if it wasn't for him? Or would you still be scared of the dreams that plague your mind if it wasn't for him? You stared at the handsome boy with the explosive quirk for a second. You took in his spiky blonde tresses that were the softness thing you felt, his deep red eyes that held mostly anger for everyone but passion and love for you. Taking in all his feature you realised you never thanked him for making you stronger but one day maybe you could you didn't know how but you were determined.

No one else said a word but you were more vocal than usual and you teacher was right you could do this. "Your right Mr Aizawa." you yelled before you turned into a tiger and in minutes later you were a lion, then a leopard before back to yourself lying on the floor out of breath. Your lungs hurt to breath but you knew that you had to get stronger to protect those around you. As you transformed back into a lion you came back to yourself after a minute or so as you burst out laughing.

"What the fuck you laughing at cat" Katsuki growled still working on explosions. Out of breath your laughing stopped "I just thought I turned into a lion and Aizawa speech reminded me of the Lion King!" you laughed again as you lay flat on the floor "Remember who you are!" you burst out laughing before Aizawa yells out again before you hear the cat woman in blue Pixie-Bob call out.

"Don't forget tonight's going to be fun. We're pitting classes against each other in a test of courage. I know you've been training hard today and later you'll get to play hard. How's that for a reward" she was way too excited and you didn't like jump scares at all. Katsuki looked at you "The only play hard I want is that body of yours!" he whispered but he knew you could hear him as your face went bright red.

As training came to the end you yet again were all exhausted but had to make dinner for yourselves. Katsuki opted to help today by cutting veg in which you knew he was great at but Ochacho was a little stunned whilst Kirishima was grumpy that everyone was too lively. You don't think you had ever seen the red-haired boy be so grumpy. As you helped waiting for the night's activities hoping to get partnered up with Katsuki. 

***Thank you so much for reading.****

***I don't own BNHA or pictures****

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now