Chapter 26:

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Michael's POV:

As we were walking to the skate park, well in Gemma's case, she was skate boarding, we were just talking about random things. Even though Gemma is on the skate board, I was still trying to be able to touch her as much as I could. So I would end up holding her hand and pulling her along sometimes or as she was skating past me, I would give her butt a quick slap, causing her to let a squeal and grab her behind. She is just so cute and I am glad she is mine. I also find it really cool that she can skate board. I must admit that I can't really. I mean I can stay on the board but I am definitely not a pro like Gemma and her brother.

Once we got there we went straight to the tree but I could see Gemma was a bit down and I had guessed why. It was because Gemma had seen me kissing Crystal. That wasn't a good day.

"Don't worry. The only girl I am going to be kissing under that tree from now on will always be you," I reassured her and also gave her a wink which caused her to blush.

Once we got to the tree, I instantly grabbed Gemma and pushed her against her the tree and pressing my lips against hers catching her by surprise. When I pulled back I saw he smiling from ear to ear and I must have looked the exact same.

"I'm gunna go skate," she said and started walking over to the ramps and doing what she does best. I couldn't help but bite my lip when I watched her.

"Dude, I didn't know she could skate that good," Luke muttered with his arms around Alice, whilst watching Gemma

We got into a random conversation about new video games, well me, Luke and Calum did but the two girls just sort of stood there and listened, not really paying attention.

"Hang on. Where's Gemma?" Alice asked with worry in her voice as she was looking behind me. I looked at her confused and turned around to face the ramps. She wasn't there.

I quickly ran over to the ramps to look more clearly but only saw her skate board. I had a feeling in my gut that something has happened because she never leaves her skate board lying around. She loves too much.

I walked over to her skate board and picked it up. As I flipped it over, I saw a piece of paper taped to the board. I pulled it off and read it.


I take it you have just noticed your precious little girl has gone missing by now if you are reading this. We decided to take her to have a bit of our own fun now. It does show, however, that you aren't a very good boyfriend to her if you didn't even notice she was gone. You always had to act the big man everywhere and have anyone you want. Whether it will be girls to bang or boys to fight with you or something. Now, I am taking what is yours, because you took what was mine. You won't know who I am and you won't be seeing her anytime soon either. I wonder what I’ll do with her... Maybe I’ll see just how bad she can be, if you get what I mean? She'll enjoy it more than she ever did with you. You are useless and pathetic. Your dad probably committed suicide just to get away from you. I know if I were your dad, I would as well. Well, I think that will do.

Have a nice sleep, not knowing where she is or what is happening.

From your #1 enemy.

By now, I was trembling with tears. Someone took her? No! Why!? Why would they do that!? I don't even know who would want to do that!

"Mike!" I heard Calum shout but I didn't respond. I kept staring at the letter, not knowing what to exactly say or do. The letter was soon ripped out of my hand and I soon heard shocked gasped.

I literally couldn't process anything right now.

I will find you.

Gemma's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that that I was in a fairly dark place. There was a dim light flickering above me.

I went to say something but I couldn't move my lips... I then realised that there was duct tape on my lips. I went move and I couldn't do that either. I was sitting on a wooden chair with my hands tied together behind my back and my ankles were also tied together.


"Boss! She's awake!" I heard someone yell but I couldn't we anything.

Someone stepped into the light so I saw their face. It was a boy about mid 20s and he had black hair that draped in front of his eyes a bit. He also had a scar on the left side of his mouth.

Soon another man stepped into the light and I recognised him but I couldn't put my finger on who exactly it was.

"Well, well, well. Sleeping beauty's awake. About fucking time. A whole day you've been out and we couldn't do anything till you woke up," the man said.

In answer to that though, I just stared at him.

"You don't recognise me sweetheart?" he asked as he had an evil glint in his eyes.

I continued to just stare at him.

"Oh? Well, do you remember me and little Damien here?" He asked and soon, Damien stepped out under the light and that was when I recognised the boy as Jake and that's when I started to feel the fear run through my veins and he must have sensed it because his smirk grew wider. "Ah, I see you do then... Good," he said as he took a step closer.

"I thought we were going to leave alone for today?" Damien asked with a questioning look on his face. 

"You thought wrong," Jake growled at Damien. Wait. What? What was he going to do?

He walked closer to me and put his cold, rough hands on my cheek and stroked it.

"So beautiful, shame Michael won't be seeing you for a while," he said and then I felt a sharp sting on my cheek and I saw him retracting his hand, showing he had just hit me. What the fuck. The pain caused my eyes to tear, but I refused to let them fall, because I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. 

"Jake. Stop," Damien shouted and pulled him back away from me. He looked at me in the eyes and I saw something flash in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. 

"Whatever, it will only get worse," Jake muttered to him but then turned to me and said, "Oh and you can thank Michael for this by the way," and then he walked out, Damien following behind.

**Hiiiiii! Sorry for the short, crappy chapter. Also, I know I said I was going to be posting an Ashton vampire story, but I have changed my mind. I am still going to be working on that, but for the moment it is going to be a different Ashton one. I have posted the first chapter and you can view it in my library. It’s called Forgotten. Hope you like it!**


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