chapter 2: naruto's birthday and secrets revealed

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It is naruto's birthday and the villagers are,as usual chasing him down over something he has no knowledge or control over.the nine tailed fox. Though naruto doesn't have any idea about the kyuubi he soon will as we now find naruto uzumaki almost cornered in a back alley near the village gates when a man with long spikey white hair a red Kabuki style vest and a headband with the symbol for oil on it saw what the village of konoha was doing to his grandson he stepped up to the crowd of people and said." What do you think your doing??!!. Get away from my grandson you good for nothing garage." The villagers not knowing who they were about to mouth off to said." And just who The hell. are. you. to... Lord jiraia!!!. your back!!!. Forgive us. but we were just going to finish what the fourth hokage started nine years ago. we were about to finish the demon." And jiraia said." You bastards were about to try and KILL the fourth Hokage's son!!!. And should you succeed release the Fox from its prison and there's no way I can stop it the only people who could are Dead!!!. Now then. I will ask again. move away from my grandson!!!. NOW!!!." The villagers then said." Yes. sorry Lord jiraia. It won't happen again!!!. You got lucky again this time demon. but you can't hide behind him and the hokage forever!!!.we will be back next year!!!" Naruto then turned around and and looking at jiraia said." Is it true??? Am I really the fourth Hokage's son and container of the kyuubi???." Jiraia just nodded his head Yes and said." You are. And yes I truly am sorry for not being here for you over the years but I'm going to try and make up for lost time with you. If you want me to that is???." Tsunade and her apprentice shizune stepped up and she said jiraia you found him!!!. Good now let's get going. time to see what the old man wants with us." They then walked to the hokage tower and entered the Hokage's office where Hiruzen looks at jiraia and said." Now jiraia. I know what your going to say. And If you have a chance to let me explain I could..." And jiraia said." I just saved naruto from an angry mob Sensei!!!. The ANBU you had put on  naruto's guard detail were nowhere in sight!!!.do tsunade and I have to do everything for you now!!??. I told him about who his parents are and how he's The nine tails host. And he's not too pleased with the lies you are telling him." Naruto then stepped up to the hokage and said." I thought I could trust you old man. Thought you would always be there for me when I needed you too protect me from the village!!!. I guess I was wrong to think that you actually cared about me. When all you people will ever see me as is a weapon." And Hiruzen said." Naruto.i had no choice but to be honest believed that If They knew what you are then they would respect you for your parents sacrifice. I was mistaken it appears." And naruto said." And you think I should Care what they thought of me??!?. you never considered what I wanted. what would happen if I didn't know that you were lying to me about my parents!?!?. you must be going senile. Lord Hokage. My parents would be disappointed in you right now." Naruto then turned around and started to walk to the door until the ANBU dropped down In front of him and said " we are sorry naruto. But you can not leave. A council meeting is coming soon and you must be there. Non negotiable I'm afraid." And naruto said." For what it's worth. I always knew that you people have been watching me. You aren't as quiet as you think you are. Slight shift in The shadows. Chakra levels fluctuating pieces of shingles falling off the roof tops." Hiruzen just chuckled and said." Apparently he's more aware then we give him credit for. I'm sorry naruto. But your right. It seems like my ANBU need to be retrained in the art of stealth. Care to teach them???."and naruto said." Why should I bother???. My stealth skills far exceeds theirs. If I wanted to. I could kill them without knowing I was even there." All The ANBU in the room gulped and jiraia said." Face facts Sensei. Naruto's not going to trust someone who constantly wears a mask. And if he is able to pick them out of a crowd of people. Well let's just say The secret Life of the Anbu headquarters isn't so secret anymore." Hiruzen then said." Very well. You may remove your mask kakashi. Itachi. If naruto won't trust ANBU with a mask perhaps he will trust The people who are behind the mask. Kakashi and itachi Then removed their masks and said." Greetings naruto. My name is kakashi. and I was one of your father's students. And this is itachi. His mother and father were on the same team with your parents also. So you can trust us now. We're sorry for never being there for you." And naruto said." Don't ever let it happen again. Now OR in the future. One way or another someone will break you of that cronic laziness you have. But not me. now let's get this council meeting over with so I can suffer from the village beating the hell out of me and move on with my life." And Hiruzen said." Very well. I hope you will be able to trust people more easily after this. Kami knows I'm not doing this by choice. your friend ten-ten and her father made me do it." And naruto said." What friends???. I can't have friends because the kyuubi is sealed inside of me remember that little fact old man!!!. Why would she want to be my friend???. I live by the motto trust no one else but yourself. witch applies to you as well. Lord Hokage." Hiruzen just put his hands on his face and said." The two of you grew up in the same orphanage together right???. She always stood up for you and Rock Lee when nobody else would???." And naruto said " yeah. So what???. She was just being nice to me that's all. What does that have to do with anything???." And jiraia said." Kid. aside from them. who else was there that was nice to you???. Anyone else at all???." And naruto said." No not really. but they just pittied me me that's all. And I hate people who do that. I don't need people's sympathy. people who are involved with me tend to suffer from the same insults as me. only far less then me also." And Hiruzen said." It seems things are far worse then we imagined jiraia. far worse indeed." Kakashi The dropped down in front of the hokage and said." Lord Hokage. The council meeting is about to begin. we are just waiting for you." And Hiruzen said well jiraia. Tsunade. Let's get this over with." And jiraia said." The sooner the better."

naruto and ten-ten: master and mistress of the forgeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ