Chapter 24: The Balam Alliance

Start from the beginning

I was holding a pizza in my left hand, some soup in my right, balancing a roasted chicken on my head, and carrying a bowl of pasta with my tail. I finally got to the table and set the plates and bowls down.

(Y/n): *breathing heavily* there you go...enjoy.

???: Thank you very much.

They gave me a tip and I went to another table.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) running around the restaurant at full speed

I was walking into the guild hall with my friends, or I was just laying on top of Erza's luggage. I was exhausted

Oak: seriously, you've taken 74 S-class quests in a month, but an afternoon of waiting tables is what does you in?

(Y/n): get off my back.

Everybody was crowded around a light chart in the middle of the room. I got up and walked over to it.

Lucy: what's all this?

Mira: it's a chart listing out the dark guilds.

Reedus: oui, she had me draw it up for her.

(Y/n): woah.

Erza: a troubling sight, there are far more than I'd realized.

Lucy: what brought this on?

Mira: unfortunately, they've been noticably more active as of late. That means we need to strengthen relationships with our fellow guilds

Lucy: woah.

Grey: what's the big circle in the middle supposed to be.

Juvia: I know exactly what it is. It's the Balam Alliance of dark guilds. The 4 major players in that alliance are Oración Seis, Tartaros, Grimoire Heart, and Deadlock. All powerful in their own right, but combined they're the strongest force in the shadowy guild underworld. Each controls lesser guilds that carry out the dirty work they don't wish to do them selves. However there is 1 on this chart that remains, Raven Tail.

Lucy: I recognize the name Eisanwald

(Y/n): those bastards.

Grey: so Eisanwald was actually a kind of sub-guild that worked under this Oración Seis?

Wakaba: I've seen a lot of these names before.

Macao: I think some of them even used to be legit.

Mira: there was 1 more, Ghoul Spirit which the The Legion took out.

Lucy: hey, you guys. Do you think they'll take it out on us?

Wakaba: aw relax, don't worry your pretty little head about them. I hear they only got 6 members in the guild anyway.

Macao: yeah, they sound like small potatoes if you ask me.

Mira: don't underestimate them. Their 6 wizards make up 1 of the most powerful guilds out there.

(Y/n): sounds like fighting them would be fun.

???: Speaking of the Oración Seis...

We all turned and saw master Makarov standing by the door.

Makarov: word has come down, we must destroy them.

Everyone: WHAT?!



Makarov had been at a guild masters conference while we were gone, so we were kinda surprised.

Erza: but master, what do you mean by that?

Makarov: Oración Seis recent activity was the focus of much discussion at the conference. They pose an urgent threat that can no longer be ignored. Therefore they must be delt with immediately. We will take them down before they can harm any of our fellow guilds we are sworn to protect.

Grey: and we gotta do all the heavy lifting, right? Typical.

Juvia: Fairy Tail will be taking them on ourselves?

Makarov: this enemy is far more powerful than any other we have faced before. To fight them alone would be too dangerous. Our attack would surely incur the wrath of the entire Balam Alliance in no time. Which is why Fairy Tail will join a coalition of magical guilds.

Everyone: A COALITION?!

Makarov: Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Cait Shelter. These 4 guilds will select members to represent them in the allied force. Together we will work to bring down the enemy.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) and chibi Oak walking back to the treehouse

Oak: what are we here for again?

(Y/n): just some stuff we might need on the trip.

Oak: so books and food?

(Y/n): exactly.

I was looking through my book shelf for 1 to bring. It was probably gonna be a short trip, so I don't think I needed to bring more than 1. But then something about the Balam Alliance popped into my head.

(Y/n): hey Oak.

Oak: yeah?

(Y/n): you remember the dark guild, Deadlock, right?

Oak: yeah, why?

(Y/n): it's weird, I haven't heard that name until today, but it sounds so familiar, like I've heard it somewhere before.

Oak: it's probably just your imagination, reading all those book will get your mind going.

(Y/n): yeah, you might be right.

But he wasn't. I knew I heard the name Deadlock somewhere before, I just didn't know where from. How strange.

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