discontinuing this story

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Welp, yeah. I just dont wanna write this anymore. I started writing this when I was in a very bad place in life and going back to this just makes me feel weird.

I'm happy to say I'm now in foster care and I'm doing much better. I will continue to write, but I just won't continue this.

Remember, I do still do commissions. You can pay with real money, amino coins or by trading art. You can commission whatever you like, you can even commission the end of this story lol. 

I want to thank you guys for all the amazing support and love over the time I've been writing this. I love you guys so much, you don't understand how much this has meant to me.

To mssg me for commissions, mssg me on here or on @ triesashovel on insta.

Bye guys, thank you so much.


More than a friendship? (Willne X Stephen Tries) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now