Chapter 10

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Author's Note:  Not good at making up songs so I just made Layne do some cover tunes lol

Laina sit in her room after Shannon had threw her on her bed. She frowned and she had her arms crossed over her chest. She was so mad at Shannon. All she had been trying to do was help out with her new little brother Shayne. Everything she tried to do, daddy Shannon would get real mad and yell at her.

That's all she can remember for a while is Shannon constantly yelling at her or scolding her, making her feel like she couldn't do anything right. She was also sad because daddy Layne couldn't play with her anymore like he used to. Shayne was taking up too much room in his stomach and daddy Layne could only just lay or sit there. He was tired all the time.

Laina stood by her door. She heard Shannon walk by and down the stairs. Once she was sure that he was gone, she went over to her desk and scribbled a note for her dads. She decided she would live outside. Maybe she could make friends with animals like on the Disney movies.

She grabbed Violet and took the note and slowly opened her door, peeking out. She looked around and tiptoed down the hall and went into her father's room. She put the note on the bed and sat Violet on top of it, kissing the bear.

She didn't really think this through. She wasn't bringing anything with her. She walked over to the window and opened it, climbing out onto the roof. The clouds in the sky were dark like it was going to rain.

Laina walked over to the edge of the roof and looked down. How would she get down to the ground? She couldn't let daddy Shannon see her leaving. She couldn't walk through the house. She walked over to the far right of the roof and saw a fence looking thing on the side of the house with weeds and flowers growing up it. She started climbing down it. At that time, the rain started pouring down. She wined as it soaked her, her hair matting to her head instantly.

Suddenly halfway down, she lost her footing because the rain had pelted her in her eye. She screamed as she stumbled and fell the rest of the way down, landing on her arm in the bushes. She rolled around, and started sobbing. She looked around. Her arm hurt really bad. She didn't know what to do. She suddenly heard daddy Shannon's voice.

"Laina!? Laina!"

Laina's eyes widened. She stood up scurried away before Shannon could see her. She ran around to the backyard and sat in the mud that had formed under the back patio. She shivered. Her arm was limp and it hurt real bad.

She wanted to run away but she didn't know where to go and she was too scared so she just stayed under the porch, alone, hurting, wet and crying.

* * *

Layne started stirring on the couch. He had been sleeping for hours. Pregnancy made him real tired. He kept his eyes closed as he heard soft crying. He heard voices.

"No no honey, don't bother him, he's sleeping. Just wait for Shannon to come home."

"Are you calling him babe?"

"Yeah It's ringing right now...Hello? Shannon, Shannon babe, she's back. Yeah. Yeah she just walked in the door. Okay. Okay hurry back."


Layne opened his eyes and slowly sat up. He saw Chris and Brad standing in his living room, Laina standing in front of Brad, holding her little arm, looking dirty and disheveled.

They all looked at each other. Laina ran away from Brad and over to Layne, hugging his stomach and crying hysterically.

"What the hell...what are you guys doing here? Where's Shannon?" Layne said tiredly looking down at his dirty child.

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