Chapter 3

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Shannon and Layne had finally made it to Indiana. Shannon was standing at baggage claim waiting for his bag. Layne spoke up finally.

"Shannon, I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be back, my bag's a brown leather bag with a peace sign on it."

Shannon nodded and folded his arms. He looked back as Layne began to walk off into the airport. Shannon looked back and almost missed his bag. He grabbed it then waited for Layne's bag to come around.

Layne came back sulking out of nowhere. Shannon handed him his bag and they began to trek to Shannon's car.

"I'm gonna drop you off at home first ok, then I'm gonna go swing by my mom's and get her." Shannon replied as they came up on his car.

He pressed a button on his keys and the doors unlocked. Layne put his bag in the back and sat in the front.

The car ride to Shannon's was awkwardly silent. Of course, what would they have to talk about? When they arrived at Shannon's, he led Layne inside the house and showed him up to the room he would be staying in.

"There's a bathroom through that door, so you should be good. Um, well, we'll see you in a bit." Shannon replied.

"Alright." Layne said lowly, mustering a half smile.

He watched as Shannon walked out of the room. Layne walked over to the bed and sat down on it, looking around the room. Shannon had a nice house. A nice, big house. While Shannon was gone, Layne got up and browsed around. He walked downstairs, looking at all of the records on the wall. He walked into the living room and saw Shannon's family wall. Pictures of he and Laina were scattered around. He smiled a little as he looked at his daughter. His smile suddenly faded. He pulled his sleeve up, looking at all the scars he had. He shook his head and turned away, walking over to the couch and sitting down, grabbing a magazine off of the table and skimming it until Shannon came back

* * *

Little Laina talked Shannon's head off in the car. She told him about everything she and his mother had done while he was gone. Shannon waited patiently and nodded his head and acknowledged he was listening to her. Once she was finished, he spoke.

"Baby, listen to daddy. We have a visitor in our home."

"A visitor! Oooh who is it!?" Laina exclaimed.

"It's someone very special. I need you to be on your very super special best behavior, ok? You promise?" Shannon smiled.

Laina smiled huge and nodded. She clapped her hands together.

"We got a visitor we got a visitor!"

Shannon smirked and shook his head. That was random Laina for you. Shannon grew more nervous as he neared their home. He pulled up in the yard and got out of the car. He helped her get out of her carseat and grabbed her bags. Laina ran in front of Shannon up the steps and to the door.

"Laina honey, wait for daddy!" Shannon called running after her.

Laina ran in the house and screamed. "Oh visitor! We home!" She looked around.

"Laina!" Shannon called as he got in the house, dropping her bag at the door.

Laina didn't listen. She ran in the living room where Layne was sitting, idly looking at the magazine. Layne looked over at the curious child. Laina stared up at the wretched looking depressed man.

Layne dropped the magazine and stared at her. He felt a sadness coursing through his veins. This child, this little human, she had his nose, his blue eyes, his once curly hair. Layne was about to open his mouth and speak but Laina screamed and ran over behind Shannon and started crying.

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