Okay now thats OP

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"How the hell did I get in my bed... I thought I was in the kitchen..." you said as you got up. "Meh probably just forgot." You said as you started to get read for school. You grabbed your bag and headed out the door but you ran into something as hard as a rock. "OI." You heard as you backed away quickly "SORRY!!" You screamed as you bowed at least fifty times. "OI shut the hell up." Bakugou said as he looked at you slightly annoyed "oh. Sorry." you replied "FOR DAMN SAKES STOP FUCKING SAYING SORRY!!" Bakugou said as he was screaming at you "SOR—" you stoped your self. You looked down as you tried to resist the temptation of saying sorry. "OI you gonna walk with me or not." He said beginning to walk away "aah sorry." You replied. "FUCKING HELL!!" Bakugou screamed.

-time skip-

You finally arrived at school but was greeted with everyone in their hero suits. "Bakugou and (Y/N) dress into your hero suits. Bakugou you should have yours. (Y/N) yours is in your locker in the dressing room." Aizawa said as turned his attention back to everyone else who was ready. You decided to speed walk to the dressing room to not keep people waiting. When you arrived you put on your hero costume. It was a outfit that was white and gold. Your out fit consisted of a tight fitting white crop top. Your shorts were white as well as a golden belt that was loosely hanging around your hips. There were two pistols attached to it. There were also gloves that were white as it was rimmed with gold. At the bottom of your locker were boots. There was a note attached to your pistols.


These two pistols never run out of ammunition. They use your healing quirk but at very minimum so you won't be harmed even if you use it for multiple hours, and if you land a shot on someone it gives you back some health so when you use your quirk you won't get drained since you will be having these bullets give you back your healing stamina.

"Okay that's fuckin' OP" you said as you headed out to meet the others.

"Okay that's fuckin' OP" you said as you headed out to meet the others

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(I did not draw this my friend Caitlyn did)

(Op means over powered)

You walked out to everyone very nervous as you were self conscious. Your our fit was plain as well. You couldn't really do anything about it though. You attached your hair in a pony tail as the light from the sun hit you. Everyone was waiting on you. "...sorry..." you replied looking down. Kamanari and Mineta took one glance at you and then turned to each other and gave a thumbs up. You decided to go find Uraraka. "(Y/N)!!! YOU LOOK AMAZING!!" Uraraka screamed grabbing attention of a lot of people. One of those people were Bakugou. He was absolutely frozen. He was unaware of the heat that was now in his face. "Bakugou? Dude...?Helloooooo???" Kirishima said as he waved his hand in front of Bakugou's face. Uraraka noticed and made a comment "Ooooohhhhh.....(Y/N) Bakugou's staring at you..." Uraraka teased. You glanced over at him but the second you made eye contact he seemed to reconnect with reality. "Dude you were so blushing." Kirishima said laughing. Denki now joined the conversation "don't blame ya." Denki said shrugging. "WHAT THE HELL!!" Bakugou said as he grabbed Denki by his shirt . "I'm just saying dude. If you don't hurry up someone else will take her." Bakugous grip loosened at this. "Fuck you I don't like her." Bakugou said walking away. "He so totally does." Kamanari and Kirishima both said to each other.

-time skip-

When everyone arrives at USJ they were greeted by Thirteen. You couldn't focus you were too busy being self conscious about your body. "We want All Might" a misty purple fog with eyes said. You were snapped back into reality when you were teleported into water. You began trying to swim upwards in hope of air. Your vision was getting blurred as you were running out of oxygen but you were taken out of the water by a girl in a green suit. You were now in a boat. You didn't bother exchanging names you already knew everyone's names. "Thanks Asui" You said coughing up water "call me Tsu" Asui said as she starred at the water. You don't remember much as you were in shock. All you remember was Mineta throwing his purple balls of hair off his head into the water. Then that's when it gets fuzzy. Now your back on land with Thirteen trying to protect everyone. Everyone stay behind me" Thirteen said as she began to use her quirk but the misty person created a portal which caused Thirteens quirk to be teleported behind her. Her quirk began hurting her by absolutely destroying the back of her. You were way to stunned and scared to move.


Here we go again (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader). -WORK IN PROGRESS-Where stories live. Discover now