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As everyone walked back to the classroom Kirishima and Kaminari were still both making fun of Bakugou. You couldn't help but laugh a little. As everyone reached the class room you took your seat as Bakugou took his behind you. He pulled his feet up and while he did it he hit your head. It must've been an accident. You thought to your self. Aizawa was in his sleeping bag as he talked in a mono tone voice. You didn't really hear anything of what he said but what you did hear was the words "simulation" and "Thirteen" you still weren't paying attention until he said "class dismissed" you got your stuff and began to walk out but you over heard Aizawa say "Bakugou come here." Bakugou went over to him and Aizawa started to talk to him. You just continued walking until you remember.


You decided to wait outside listing to music on your phone. "Fuckin' Aizawa. Scolding me. Tch why should I ca-..." Bakugou realized you were still at school leaning on the wall near the entrance of the building. You turned to see him. "I got you Pocky to repay you for giving me the last one." You said as you held out the box. "WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT YOUR STUPID POCKY?!" He screamed. You sighed as it was still in your hand. "Come on... I know you wanttttt ittttt..." you said with a smile on your face. "SHUT UP!" Bakugou said as he snatched the box out of your hand. "Hey baku boi, wanna come to my apartment to play some video games?" You heard a tch come from him. "What ever..." he replied "is that a yes?" You asked "YES YOU STUPID BITCH!" He replied with explosions coming from his palms "okay okay okay. But I swear if you blow up my console I will hurt you." You said as you started to walk towards your apartment. You couldn't take the awkwardness of the situation as neither of you were talking. "Soooo.... uh.... catch the game last Sunday?" You asked them quickly mentally facepalmed.

Really? Really? Smooth real smooth. You thought to your self "what the hell are you on about?" Bakugou said looking confused. "Uhhh never mind!" You said trying to avoid the awkwardness. You finally reached your apartment and unlocked the door. "Annndddd welcome to my apartment..." you said.

Bakugou was stunned. You had a T.V that had three different consoles. You had two computers and a shelf with all your controllers on it. Then a full bookstand filled with games. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Bakugou screamed causing you to jump. "What..." you said a little confused. "YOU HAVE SO MANY GAMES!" Bakugou sais as he ran to the self with all the games. "This are just for console. My computers have more." You said turning them on. "WERE PLAYING THAT ONE!!" Bakugou said and he clicked on a multiplayer game. "Alright." You replied pulling the game up on the different computer. You guys played like that for hours. You were getting more and more agitated but Bakugou was already mad. You were a healer and he was a damage who's main weapon was explosives. "HEAL ME WOMAN!" He screamed at you. "WELL YOU KNOW I WOULD HE ABLE TO FUCKIG HEAL YOU IF YOU WOUKD STAND STILL!" You screamed back. Bakugou was a little stunned you screamed but he didn't show in the sakes of protecting his ego.


"GOD DAMMIT MOTHER FUCKIN SHIT WAFFEL TAP DANCING COWBOY FUCK!" You screamed as Bakugou was looking at you like you were insane "shut up." You said still mad as hell. You went into your kitchen to grab a whole bunch of food and drinks. "Want to watch a movie." You said as your voice was tinted with anger. "What ever." Bakugo replied moving him self to the couch. You went and got a blanket. "Want one?" You screamed from the closet. "No." He simply said. "Okay then." You said as you brought a big blanket and wrapped your self in the blanket. Half way through the movie bakugou said he wanted a blanket. "I asked you and you said no so suffer." You jokingly said. He stared at you. "Okayyyyyy finnnneeeeeeeeee" you said sharing the blanket with him. Once the movie ended you were tired as hell. "(Y/N) wake up." Bakugou said shaking you. "Noooooo" You said as you yawned. "I SAID WAKE UP!" Bakugou screamed which caused you to shoot up and look at him. "WHAT BAKUGOU?!" You said mad as hell. "You know we have homework right?" He replied "...fuck..." you said as you scrambled to get your bag and Bakugou's you threw him his bag as you ran to the kitchen table and started to work on it. He slowly walked in then sat down. You both started to work on it occasionally asking a question here and there. "OI (Y/N) what did you get for number sixteen?" He asked. He was only answered by soft snores. "Your joking right?" He said quietly. He looked around to see where your bedroom was. When he found it he walked back to you and picked you up bridal style. He laid you down on your bed and covered you with your blanket. He stayed there for a couple minutes. Looking at you. Your face seemed relaxed and at peace. "Good night (Y/N)" Bakugou said as he left your apartment. On the way home he was eating the Pocky you had given him earlier today. His thoughts were now clouded with you.


Here we go again (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader). -WORK IN PROGRESS-Where stories live. Discover now