Chapter 11

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Hanna got into her bed and immediately went to sleep. She was exhausted from the night before, and the little sleep she had gotten before she had to see Pierce's face again.

"You guys remember that comment Hanna made about not believing in love, right? It all makes sense now, I mean imagine being with someone like that for four years." Rachel grabbed a drink out of the fridge and spoke.

"Yea I mean, I remember being really shocked by her saying that, but now I feel bad." Monica stated with a mouth full.

"Yea, me too. That guy ruined her view on love, I think that's kind of sad"- Rachel stopped talking as Phoebe interrupted her.

"Look I think it's just a phase thing...I mean my great aunt always said how she didn't believe in love but she got married to this guy who payed her monthly for just being there. I mean, there are possibilities." Phoebe said nodding.

"Um Phoebe that's not....I don't think"- Ross started

"I feel like Hanna almost had a right not to believe in love. That's all she's known for years now, it would make sense. But, now that he's gone for good, maybe we can help her overcome all of it." Monica shrugged.

"That's not that bad of an idea, Mon." Chandler said. "Let's just do this like an 80s rom com and bring in a fake person for her to date only for her to fall in love and everyone lives happily ever after." Chandler replied sarcastically.

Monica hit him on the head.

"Chandler! I'm being serious. Don't you think it is kinda sad that Hanna is planning to live the rest of her life alone because of the Pierce guy? We all have eachother. As long as I'm friends with you guys I'll never be alone!" Monica wailed.

"Perfect! Joey can be our token guy." Chandler threw his hands up in the air.

"Chandler! Stop!" Monica scolded. "Guys, Hanna's my cousin. I've known her all my life and I hate to see her like this. I don't want her to have to go through it alone. Do you?"

The group all shook their heads sullenly.

"Just be nice to her." Monica crossed her arms.

"Mon, we have been nice to her. I think I speak for everybody when I say that we all already love Hanna. You don't have to tell us to do anything. She's basically a part of the group now. It's like she's been here the whole time." Rachel stood up, putting an arm around Monica. "Hanna has plenty of people to lean on, it's just a matter of letting herself lean on us or letting herself fall. It's all up to her. So we can love her, I mean we already do, but it's ultimately up to her, you know. She's never said that she doesn't believe in platonic love, so we're doing our job." Rachel rubbed Monica's shoulder. Monica nodded.

"I can't imagine how she must feel after dating such a horrible person for so long." Phoebe sighed.

"I know, and then she came to New York to get rid of him and he just showed up here." Chandler shook his head.

"Chandler, is Joey okay? I haven't seen him since this morning."

"I don't really know. He wouldn't talk about Hanna. It was hard not to mention the bruises. He still thinks Hanna was in a perfectly good relationship this whole time and didn't tell any of us. Hanna said not to tell him about it though. I don't know how long we can not tell him about it."

"Joey seems pretty close to Hanna. I wonder why she didn't want to tell him..." Rachel wondered. They all shrugged. After a moment, they all looked as the door opened. Hanna stepped in, smiling lightly.

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