⇒ lyanna viii . i am his, he is mine

Start from the beginning

She looked at him for a while. The way his silver hair fell down to his shoulders and was twisted away from his handsome face without flaw. She saw the way the corner of his lips upturned ever so slightly when he saw her face. The 18 year old already had lines of worry etched on his forehead, but now his face was relaxed. He was ecstatic, but he also wasn't worried or apprehensive. He was hard to read. But so handsome. So beautiful. His jaw was freshly shaven and his black dublet was one Lyanna was yet to have seen him wear. It was similar to the one he was in when he found the Knight of the Laughing Tree.

His hands were so warm and Lyanna's so cold. He was a dragon and she a wolf. Fire and Ice. Two poles of the same world. None existing without the other.

Lyanna Stark felt a comfort like never before with her hands in his.

"I do hope you'll allow my your hand, my Lady?" Rhaegar asked her, his voice low and husky, his words intimate. Lyanna thought back to their first dance and smiled, putting one of her hand son his shoulder.

"How could I say no to my prince?" He smiled, understanding her reference.

"Are you sure about this, Lyanna?"

Nodding, Lyanna pulled him down and rested her forehead on his. "Duty is not always easy," she said, repeated, this time understanding what it meant more than ever.

"It's not just duty," Rhaegar reminded, his voice still low. "The gods are never kind to love because love is blind to any loyalty or oaths. I love you, Lyanna Stark."

"I love you, my dragon," Lyanna breathed, tears jumping into her eyes. Her hand moved up his shoulder to hold his face. "This is loyalty. Loyalty past any House or thrones. This is loyalty to the living. And this love will know it."

And with those final words, they turned to the Septon, fingers intertwined. With Arthur Dayne and Elia Martell as their witness, the were married. The soft linen fabric that bound their hands was like promise or a final declaration rather that what it would have ben with Robert: chains.

When they said the words, the world seemed to stop for a moment.

"My lord, my Lady, we stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever," the Septon said in his elderly, weak voice he tied the ribbon around their fist."Let it be known that Rhaegar of the House Targaryen, First of his name and Prince of Dragonstone and Lyanna of the House Stark are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder."

"Look upon each other and day the words," he ordered.

Lyanna turned to the prince who looked at her with eyes of contentment. Together they said:

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger..."

"I am his and he is mine..." Lyanna said proudly.

"I am hers and she is mine..." he harmonized.

"From this day, until the end of my days."

Everything seemed to quiet then. Not even the rush of the water or the chirping of the birds filled Lyanna's ears. She just looked longingly into the eyes of the man she was marrying as he did the same. Lyanna could never get tired of gazing into his eyes. They were like a window to knowledge and the heart itself. A deep pool of purple that when Lyanna dived in, she could never swim out.

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