"Adonis, stop making excuses for cheaters. She cheated because she wasn't happy and that's all on her not you."

Adonis nods while looking at her and sees a scar on the side of her forearm that he didn't notice before.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to change the subject but what happened to your arm? There's like a four inch gash on the side of your arm..."

Bria self consciously folds her arms across her chest embarrassed by one of her scars that she couldn't cover up.

"I didn't do this to myself..." Bria nervously looks down. "I got this defending myself from my ex.  He was abusive verbally and physically and I got this one particular scar one evening when he was going off on a tangent.  I don't even remember what we were fighting about...the abuse got so bad that whenever he'd start yelling I'd just block out whatever he'd be saying.  He came home one night late around two in the morning...I was sitting up in bed watching one of my favorite movies...Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg.  I-I think I had smelled perfume on him and I guess I had accused him of cheating.  He dragged me out of bed yelling saying 'oh no one would ever want you', 'your own mom didn't even want you', 'ugly' shit like that. He beat me because I questioned him about cheating.  I think that's why he beat me that time I don't really remember I blacked out from one of the blows to my head."  Bria spaces out remembering that night from one of her painful memories.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up something that heavy..." Adonis says, feeling bad for bringing it up.

"No it's okay if we're going to be together then I need to tell you about my past so you know why i act the way that I do.  My dad thinks I suffer from PTSD because of it..." Bria looks away trying to avoid looking at him and clears her throat.  "It's one of the many scars that I have from him."

"You know I would never lay a hand on you."

"I don't know that I just met you." Bria says looking at him sadly. 

"I don't like getting close to people they always disappoint me." Bria admits looking at him and clears her throat. "Besides we're just having fun right? You don't want anything serious from me right now, you just got out of a relationship."

"Do you trust me?" Adonis asks, holding onto her hand.

"I don't know...I mean you haven't given me a reason not to."

"You have my word when I say that I won't ever lay a hand on you." Adonis gently caresses her hand. 

"Let's get out of here, I wanna show you around the city the best way I can." Adonis says, flagging down a waiter to get the check.



In all my years I had never seen something so beautiful look so sad. Since leaving the restaurant, I took Bria on a private helicopter ride over the city of Las Vegas once the sun set. Her eyes lit up in excitement and wander while we overlooked the city as the Vegas lights lit up the night sky. She sat across from me and smiled bashfully looking into the camera and covered her smile as I recorded her reaction from being carried nearly 1,000 feet into the air.

"It looks so beautiful up here." Bria said into her microphone.

I'm looking at the most beautiful thing in the world. Adonis thought.

"It does, i have a great view from right here." Adonis says while looking at her.

Bria smiles and listens to the pilot as he informs us that we were getting ready to land soon.

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