Fair Ground

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Non-canon to my The Show Must Go On AU.


"Daddy, can we go on the merry-go-round?"

Henry looked down at his daughter with a smile. "Sure sweetie." he replied.

Charlie giggled and grabbed her father's hand and begin to drag him along. Henry laughed and allowed his daughter to lead him through the crowd of noisy people. Normally, Henry would be in his garage and working on his machines, but Charlie had made a request for her father to take her to the fair. So here they were.

Henry and Charlie approached the merry-go-round. The line was short and there were currently people getting off.

Huh. Well perfect timing I guess.

Charlie let go of Henry's hand and ran up to the ride's entrance gate after all the other people. Henry leaned against the metal fencing and smiled, watching as his daughter ran up to one of the horses and managed to hoist herself up on its back.

Moments later, another little girl walked up to the same horse and began talking to Charlie, who clung to the horses reins.

Are they arguing?

Henry sighed and watched as the two children continued to speak to one another. From what he could tell, Charlie didn't seem the least bit upset, though his daughter was normally a pretty calm child.

Suddenly, there was a voice that spoke from behind him.

"Excuse me. Both our kids are on the merry-go-round and they're starting to fight over a pony. I was wondering if you would tell you kid to get the fuck off so my daughter could ride it. We've been waiting here longer so..."

Henry sighed and turned around, preparing himself for a confrontation. However, they only thing he was met with was a familiar face.

"William." Henry said, letting out a relieved and slightly surprised sigh

The Englishman was grinning cheekily and obviously trying to hold in laughter.

"Hello, Henry!"

"Jesus fucking Christ you scared me..." Henry said, placing his hand to his chest. He could feel his heart racing a little.

"Sorry. I simply couldn't help myself." William replied, chuckling. "Anyways, pleasant surprise running into you here."

Henry smiled as his heartbeat began to calm. "Charlotte wanted to come to the fair this year and, seeing as how she's never been to one, I figured it would be a fun thing to do." Henry said.

"I'm with my kids, too." William said, jerking his thumb back towards Michael, who was awkwardly standing close by.

"Where's Elizabeth?" Henry asked.

William pointed to the young girl who had approached Charlie on the merry-go-round.

"Oh. Didn't recognize her with her hair like that." Henry said. William chuckled.

"I convinced her to allow me to put it in pigtails."

Henry watched as Charlie got off the horse and helped Elizabeth up on to it, then got back on the horse herself.

"Cute." William mumbled, watching as Elizabeth clung to Charlie.

Henry smiled. "Aren't kids just the most adorable little things?"

William didn't respond. He just continued to watch as his daughter held on to Henry's. The two girls were giggling and smiling.

"Do you think that the person that operates the ride will allow them to do that?" Henry asked.

Wires and Fires (Willry/Helliam)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя